Eye Level Malaysia

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Power of Imaginative Play

Kids really don't need to have expensive toys. Kids do not need a portable dvd. Kids do not need a tablet computer or a cellphone with games. Kids no not need handheld gaming gadgets. Why should they? Kids come with an auto manual. All kids have the power of imaginative play. All kids need are some erasers and highlighters and .....

 then there is a secret hideout from bad guys

or a a peaceful temple

or a palace with a fountain in the courtyard

or ruins from an old building

or skyscrapers and tall buildings in a city

Well, at least that is what the kids tell me. That is the power of imaginative play. So keep away that tablet computer for a day and give yours kids some erasers or a paper and a pencil or some blocks or old tissue boxes or used toilet rolls. No, we don't have a tablet computer but it is on mummy's wish list (not the kids). 

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