Origami Paper Fortune Tellers Or Cootie Catcher is a traditional game passed down from generation to generation. If you have forgotten how to make one, this post shows you the steps on how to make it.
How To Make A Paper Fortune Teller or Cootie Catcher - Step By Step Instructions
A Paper Fortune Teller or Cootie Catcher is a fun game I used to play as a child. In those days, we didn't have tablet computers or interactive hand held devices to distract us. I like how life was so much simpler then. Children played with homemade games and toys. They read a lot more books then they do now and they also have a lot more physical play.
In this lens, I will teach you how to make a paper fortune teller and how to play with a paper fortune teller. It is a nice game to play with friends on a rainy day. You can make up the fortune or write fun things to do in your paper fortune teller and have a jolly good time.
What You Need To Make Your Paper Fortune Teller - You Will Need A Square Piece Of Paper
First of all, here is what you will need to make your paper fortune teller.
First, you have to fold your square paper in half. Then fold it again into half. Finally unfold.
When you are done with step two above, turn your paper over.
In step three, you have to fold all the corners of the paper into the center in the same manner as you did in step two.
When you are done, you are back to square one, meaning you will have a square paper again.
When you are done with step three, turn the paper over, then fold first one way and reopen and then fold the other way and reopen. This is to facilitate or make it easier for you to slip your fingers into the paper fortune teller in the next step.
Write the names of four colors on each of the flaps in your paper fortune teller.
The most basic is to write in the name of colors. However, you can exercise your own creativity by filling it with the name of flowers, your friends, or monster names if you prefer, just for fun!
Next, turn the paper fortune teller and write in the numbers 1 to 8 on all of the sections you see.
Again, instead of numbers you can write in any other words you prefer.
Finally, write in the "fortunes". Be imaginative and fun. Write in anything you like.
Instead of 'fortunes' you can also write in other things that require your friends to do a certain action, like "Dance and twirl around" or "Laugh non stop" etc.
1. Slip your fingers into the 'pockets' of the paper fortune teller.
2. Ask your friend to choose a color.
2. Ask your friend to choose a color.
3. Spell the color while moving your fingers in and out first one way, then the other.
4. Then ask your friend to choose a number that is available.
5. Move the fortune teller in and out according to the number chosen.
6. Ask your friend to choose another number from the ones that can be seen.
7. Open the flap and read out the fortune.
Free Printable Paper Fortune Teller Templates - For All Occasions
These paper fortune teller or cootie catcher templates
are for all occasions including Valentines, Thanksgiving, Year of the Dragon and Halloween. Have fun!
- Fortune Teller Paper CutOut Halloween Game from BillyBear4Kids.comA Halloween themed paper fortune teller.
- Free Printable St. Patrick's Day Cootie Catcher/Fortune TellerA St. Patrick's Day Themed Cootie Catcher/Origami Fortune Teller
- Dragon Year Fortune TellerA Year Of The Dragon Paper Fortune Teller Template
- Valentines Day Printable Fortune TellerA Valentine's Day Paper Fortune Teller Template.
- Thanksgiving Fortune TellerA thanksgiving themed fortune teller.