Eye Level Malaysia

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Singapore Math Academy Opens Two New Centres in Klang Valley

About Singapore Math Academy

Singapore Math Academy is a collaboration of a few Education Partners in different locations since 2015 in order to bring Singapore Math to more students.

It is founded by Brenda Ang, a MBA graduate in Business Administration, Certified Early Childhood Educator and mother to two girls. She has homeschooled her daughters in Singapore Math and Science since 5 years old and has 15 years experience in teaching preschoolers and primary students in kindergarten and group settings.

Singapore Math Curriculum

Singapore Math Academy uses a complete curriculum with supporting textbooks, workbooks and tools to help children from kindergarten to Form 3. All materials are based on Singapore Curriculum approved by Ministry of Education in Singapore.

The programme is relevant for preschool, primary and secondary school students and will help in answering KBAT (Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi) or HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) types of questions as the Singapore Math.

Students frequently participate in International Math Competitions.

Certified Trainers

Singapore Math Academy teachers are officially trained and certified by Dr Yeap Ban Har, who is the principal of the Marshall Cavendish Institute and Director of Curriculum and Professional Development at Pathlight School. He also works with the Curriculum Planning and Development Division of the Ministry of Education in Singapore.

Singapore Math Academy is currently in the following locations:

  • Kota Damansara
  • Sri Petaling
  • Tropicana Avenue (New)
  • Kelana Jaya (New)
  • Ipoh 
  • Penang

New Center Opening Promo

In conjunction with the new centers opening in Tropicana Avenue and Kelana Jaya as shown below, Singapore Math Academy is waiving the registration fee worth RM50 (with Free Backpack + Math Journal) at these two centres. This offer is valid from 1st to 31st July 2016.

Call ​018-783 0789 (Kelana Jaya)/017-362 5505 (Tropicana Avenue)
or email sporemathacademy@gmail.com for a free assessment today
Facebook: Singapore Math Academy

Baju Raya Shopping For Kids 2016 At Sunway Pyramid

The tagline for our website Mumsgather Finds is "The One Stop Parenting Centre" and that is what we have been doing. We've put together enrichment courses, school holiday programmes, family friendly products, promotions and offers for parents all on one page for busy parents. 

With Hari Raya just around the corner, today we are featuring a last minute shopping guide for parents in our post on Baju Raya Shopping For Kids 2016 at Sunway Pyramid. We hope that this will serve you as a quick one-stop guide. 

Festive shopping can be so much fun but it can also be tiring for the kids. The novelty wears off quickly after rounds of queuing up and trying new clothes in crowded fitting rooms. That is why we have put together this shopping guide for busy parents with kids in tow. You can check out this post before you go shopping. It will save you plenty of time. Save this post in your favorites so you can refer to it on your mobile when you shop.

Let's go window shopping at a few outlets selling kids clothing in Sunway Pyramid!

1. Butik Rimba at LG2.106 has a wonderful collection of pretty kebayas for little girls. The designs are intricate with lovely lace, embroidery and batik sarongs just like mummy's. This collection gives the "mini me" look for little girls who want to look just like mummy. The collection shown below are from RM69 to RM179. Clothing are for girls aged 1 to 16.

2. Cotton on Kids at LG1.131 has lots of colourful t shirts and shorts as well as sweet sundresses for little girls, just right for our hot weather right now. We especially like the fluffy tutu dresses. The boys will look smart in colourful tees and checkered shirts. If checks are not your style, try the navy blue sailor print shirt and matching tee at RM54 & RM69. Cotton On Outfits are suitable for babies till 8 years old. 

3. Poney & Poney Enfants at LG1.70 have outfits for children from newborn to 12 years old. For the girls, you can choose pretty dresses in earth tones (the paisley pattern dress shown below is RM139 while the embroidered collar detail dress is RM159) or bright red and blue mix and match outfits.  For the boys, we like the leaves design shirt (RM119) and the ensemble of white shirt and smart navy blue cardigan (RM169 & RM199) with long pants (RM199)

 4. KIKO & Baby at LG1.125 has unique designs for boys and girls. The girls have nice floral dresses with an unusual mix in fabrics. The boys too. We like how the boys shirts are a clever mix of plain fabrics with checks and even polka dots. Prices for the designs shown below are RM139 for the lace top and floral bottom dress, RM83 for the purple dress with flower embroidery detail, RM129 for the long sleeved blue floral dress, RM89 for the green floral dress with frills while the shirts for the boys shown below are RM129 each. KIKO & Baby designs are suitable for children from babies to 14 years.

5. Zara Kids at LG1.11 has very trendy apparels for kids with cool looking jackets for both boys and girls. Check out the Zara Leather Effect Jacket (RM159.90), blue striped Tee (RM35.90) and skinny jeans (RM79.90 for boys) and the Zara Quilted Jacket (RM129.90) and Tulle Dress with stars (RM79.90). Clothing range at Zara Kids are for ages 0 to 14 years old.

Here is a quick list of the outlets selling children's attire at Sunway Pyramid. Save this list for your future reference. Happy Shopping and Selamat Hari Raya!
  1. Butik Rimba (LG2.106)
  2. Cotton On Kids (LG1.131)
  3. KIKO & Baby (LG1.125)
  4. Uniqlo Kids (LG1.67)
  5. H&M Kids (OB5.G.1)
  6. Poney & Poney Enfants (LG1.70)
  7. Up-To-Eight (LG2.08)
  8. Mango Kids (G.18)
  9. Zara Kids (LG1.11)

Free Printable Weekly Reward Chart For Kids

We've been posting up Free Printables for our members regularly and recently we were pleasantly surprised to receive this pretty Weekly Reward Chart with complements from Hobby Hop In for our members to print and use.

This free printable reward chart for kids is a weekly one. It is kept blank so you can fill in your own tasks. Each day of the week and a total tally make up the rows. At the bottom of the chart are blank spaces for you to write-in your child's goals.

To Reward Or Not To Reward?

It depends on the child. Some children are more motivated by rewards then others. Using a reward chart helps kids think about goals and aiming to achieve their targets. It is a good lesson in life. However, it should not be overused as you may find that it loses its meaning when your child starts hankering for rewards and start equating chores and homework etc with it. 

Having said that though, I think reward charts are a good thing for short term goals. It is also useful for teaching children the importance of household chores and helping around the house. Rewards need not be monetary. A hug, story time, an hour at the park can all be rewards too.

Members can click on the button below to download and print this free printable weekly reward chart for kids.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Trusting Our Children To Do The Right Thing

Recently my son came home with a couple of seeds and told me that he was going to give them to his teacher for Teacher's Day.

Bad mummy's reaction was:

"What?! Where did you get that? From the school field?! You can't give teacher that! It's dirty. What will she do with it? She will just throw it away."

In the back of my mind I was thinking of all the lovely teacher's day gifts that mums had lovingly prepared. I hadn't prepared any.

The 12 year old replied:

"Come on, mum. I know what I'm doing. Besides teacher said not to give her anything that costs money."

So bad mummy decided to trust him and said, "Ok, I trust you. Go ahead and give if you like."

A few weeks later when the spouse met the teacher, she told him about the seeds. Your son told me they are "Seeds of Hope". I don't know what else my son told the teacher but she had touched his heart. She told my spouse that she had gone home and told her husband about it and she took a picture of the seeds and shared it with her friends saying "Look, I have this student who......." 

She was just teaching him for 3 months. On her last day, she printed out the picture of the seeds and her sharing which was a page long, read it aloud in class to all the other students and gave it to him to keep.

When I sent her a message to thank her for the time she spent teaching  him, she replied "He is the perfect child in my heart." 

I am glad I chose to trust him instead of insisting he threw the seeds away.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Digital Creation Workshops At Crafty Minds Encourage Children To Think Out Of The Box

We often hear parents lament about kids not being able to think out of the box and having no creative outlet. They attend school, do a lot of homework and get sent from one enrichment class to another with no time for play and creativity. Sometimes parents send kids for enrichment classes because it is a better alternative then having the kids stay home with the maid watching television while they are at work.

So what if there is an enrichment programme that can harness your kids creativity, fulfill his need for play and at the same time develop his academic knowledge in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math (STEAM)? Wouldn't that be great?

Well, there is such a course available now at Crafty Minds, Sri Petaling. After school, parents can drop their kids to join any of the Digital Creation programmes for different age groups from 4 to 18 years old. Programmes are structured from beginner, intermediate to advance.

Kids and teens will learn to sketch, design and build 3 Dimensional action heroes, remote control cars, catapults, night lamps, hand-cranked animals etc. including movie making using their creations.

The workshops incorporates elements of
  • physics, 
  • math, 
  • robotics, 
  • engineering, 
  • team work, 
  • presentation skills 
Seeing an idea go from sketch to reality provides a holistic learning opportunity for kids. Lots of thinking out of the box and creativity required to complete the programmes.

At the workshops your kids will use the latest tech tools for their digital creation including a 3D Pen and a 3D Printer.

3D Pen

3D Printer

3D creation is new to many parents so do watch the videos to have a better idea of how these tools work.

Video: What is 3D Printing and how does it work?

Video: What is 3D Pen and how does it work?

Here are some past creations by students from the digital creation classes at Crafty Minds.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

5 Malaysian Parenting Facebook Groups To Follow

There are many parenting groups on Facebook. Anyone can start a group. However, if you wish to keep abreast with parenting and educational news and network with other like minded parents, here are 5 Malaysian Parenting Facebook Groups we recommend you follow:

1. The Parenting Network

This is the group to go to if you have little ones at home from babies to toddlers to preschoolers. You will get lots of support from this group of parents with young children at home. The admin is easy going, friendly and does a diligent job of making sure his members are genuine parents. The group description reads as follows:

"This group is for everyone who supports good parenting. So if you are 1 or you are going to be parents soon, feel free to pour your thoughts and share your experiences here."

That's why we start off by talking about this group. Those who have little kids at home will feel at home here but even those with older kids are welcome too.

Group Status: Closed Group
Number of Members to date: 4807 members
Date Established: June 2013

2. The Malaysia Primary and Secondary Parents on Facebook group.

This is our Facebook group. Our group is part of our network of website, 12 year old blog and other social media. All parents with kids studying in primary and secondary schools in Malaysia are welcome to join our group. We also have many parents with kids in kindergartens and preschools in our group as they prepare to network and learn as much as possible before their children start primary schools. The parents in our group are very generous with sharing of ideas. As founder and admin of the group, I like to run exclusive contests, promotions and offers for the benefit of our group members.

This is part of our group description:

"This Facebook Group is primarily for parents with school going children. Those with kids in nursery and kindy can also join. This Group is a platform for healthy discussion on parenting issues especially those related to schooling and education. Whether your child is home schooled, in SJKC, SK or Private School, it does not matter, we will post and learn from one another. You can also ask for homework help. We can also de stress during exam time by sharing here so we don't feel so alone."

Group Status: Closed Group
Number of Members to date: 15001 members
Date Established: June 2013

We also have a sister group called the Malaysian Primary and Secondary School Parents Market. This group was set up to allow parents to trade in kids, education and school related stuff. All trading is channeled to this group to keep our main group focused on discussion.

Sister Group Status: Closed Group
Number of Members to date: 3494 members
Date Established : May 2015

This group lives up to its name of being a support group for parents with children studying in International Schools. The MISPSG description states that

"The main objectives of Malaysia International Schools Parents Support Group (MISPSG) Facebook group are to provide peer support among parents with interest in international education / school and 21st-century learning; to increase networking among parents who have children attending international school in Malaysia; to increase awareness of the expected standards from international schools in Malaysia; and to share resources so parents can better support their children's learning experience."

The founder and admin runs the group professionally. She has also been invited to speak at several parenting talks during International or Private school trade fairs.

Group Status: Closed Group
Number of Members to date: 14,514
Date Established: June 2012

This group was set up to help parents get ready for the new format UPSR which commences in 2016. The group description states:

"This group is created specially for UPSR 2016 candidates, parents & teachers."

However, in just a short time, this group has grown to be more than that. It now provides support and help for many parents with children in upper primary school with the focus on preparing for UPSR. The many parents and teachers in the group provide relevant advice and support for each other. The main admin is also a well known food blogger. She created the group with two of her best friends and is supported by a team of dedicated parents in providing support for members.

Group Status: Public Group
Number of Members to date: 15,065
Date Established: November 2015

Parenting is Heart Work is the place to go for motivation and inspiration. The group admin gives a daily dose of inspirational messages that warm the heart. The group is described as follows:

"A place to inspire, share and encourage parents in their journey of parenthood."

True to this, the admin provides a daily dose of inspiration for parents. She is an experienced admin who has helped run other Facebook groups before this one.

Group Status: Public Group
Number of Members To Date: 1864
Date Established: December 2014

Definitions: Closed Group means Anyone can ask to join or be added or invited by a member
Public Group means Anyone can join or be added or invited by a member

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