I checked the school calander and saw that the recent holidays was actually a mid-term holiday. So it was not the end of the first term holidays as I had erroneously thought.
The school has only two terms in one school year. The first term ends in May with a 2 week break whereas the 2nd term ends in November with a 2 month break. In between those two terms there are two mid term breaks of 1 week in March (for the first term) and 1 week in August (for the 2nd term).
This is a bit different from my school days when we had three terms in a year.
Its back to school today. We didn't go anywhere during the holidays but the kids enjoyed it all the same. I wonder what the next half of this term holds for them. Hopefully, they both do well in school, in terms of making friends and getting along with friends and teachers so they will feel a sense of belonging, being able to understand what is taught so they feel more confident during lessons etc. That is my wish for them.
The girl has a trial piano exam in April and a piano concert for exam students in June before her piano exam in July. The boy has a charity concert in May. It would seem like I am living my life around school holidays and school events now.
My girl takes piano lessons and nothing else, no other extra activities. Everyday after school, she comes straight home and starts working on her school work right after lunch. Even then, her days are full. I wonder how other kids with days chockful of activities do it? I really wonder. (Some of my girl's classmates take swimming, ballet, art, badminton etc in addition to music lessons) I wonder how they do it. I don't think we could cope with more activities.
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