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Friday, June 19, 2009

How to make an award ribbon rosette

This is the front portion of the completed award ribbon rosettes

This is the back portion of the completed award ribbon rosettes

The girl kept on pestering me to make these award ribbon rosettes with her during the school holidays. I didn't take step by step photos so I will try my best to explain how to do them.

What you need to make the award ribbon rosette:
  1. Cardboard Paper
  2. Fabric or Crepe paper
  3. Coloured ribbon
  4. Tape (to tape the rosette)
  5. Double sided tape (to attach the front and back portion together)
  6. Safety Pin
  7. Scissors
How to make the award ribbon rosette:
  1. Cut out two large circles using the cardboard paper measuring about 8cm in width for the front and back portion of the award
  2. Cut out 10 smaller circles using the fabric for the frills on the side or for the rosette
  3. Fold the fabric circles in half and then into half again and then arrange them in a circle at the back of one of the cardboard circle
  4. Tape the fabric circles one at a time at the back of one of the cardboard paper circle (This makes the front portion)
  5. Tape the colored ribbon onto the back of another cardboard paper circle (This makes the back portion)
  6. Use double sided tape to attach the front and back portions together back to back ie ribbons facing fabric
  7. Finally, tape a safety pin onto the back of the completed award ribbon rosette
I hope that wasn't too difficult to understand. Step by step photos is better but I didn't manage to take any photos this time around.
I didn't use fabric because I find them harder to fold so I substituted with crepe paper and other recycled paper which I kept from hampers etc for doing crafts.
So next time you receive hampers or gift wrappers, do keep them for recycling. They are great for making crafts.
After we completed the ribbon rosettes, the kids wore each of theirs proudly around the house all day long.

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