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Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to make a toilet paper roll robot

"Its a kite.... No..... Its a car with one wheel...... No.... its a dolphin carrying bags..... No..... its a donkey....... No.... Its a garlic toast bread which my 5 year old is having for breakfast."

Having breakfast with the kids is an adventure trip to imagination land.

During the holidays, we got the kids to use their imaginations to make robots out of toilet paper rolls. It is an extremely easy craft to do for young kids.

Here's what you need:

  1. Empty Toilet Paper Roll
  2. Aluminium Foil
  3. Tapes
  4. Stickers
  5. Straws or Pipe Cleaners
Here's how to make the toilet paper roll robots.
Wrap the aluminium around the empty toilet paper roll. Tape the straws or pipe cleaners to make the robot's antennas. Then decorate with stickers and voila! You have yourself a cute little homemade craft robot that the kids can use their imagination to play with.
Here's the end result of our toilet paper roll robot. As you can see, its very easy to make and self explanatory just by looking at the pictures. We cheated because we had adorable looking stickers to use but you can also use colored papers cut out into shapes and paste them on for eyes, nose and buttons for the robot and the results will be just as nice. :)

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