Eye Level Malaysia

Friday, November 26, 2004

Its a pot, no..its a drum, microphone and mirror!

How to cook in the kitchen with a baby and a toddler? They're too young to help and its too dangerous for the toddler to be unoccupied in case she hurts the baby or herself charging near the stove. So this morning I gave toddler an old aluminium pot with a handle and cover plus a wooden ladle to play while I was fixing their lunch.

Toddler first started to play "cooking" like mummy by stirring into the empty pot with her wooden ladle, then she tried to feed her teddy bears with her "porridge". (Of course she tried to feed the baby first but I stopped her.) She gave baby the cover which was shining and resembled a mirror. Baby held the cover and stared at it with such intensity it was funny to watch him. Maybe he was thinking what a handsome little fella he was.

Then toddler decided it was more fun to turn her pot over and beat it with the ladle. Now it had become a drum. She began banging on the pot very loudly and singing "do, re, mi" at the top of her voice. Soon, she discovered that if she held the pot in front of her face as she sang, she could hear her voice better with all the echos, so it was more singing at the top of her voice. Now baby can't decide whether to continue staring at the pot cover or at toddler having such fun.

Lunch was prepared and served in no time at all to my little scientist (toddler) and explorer (baby). :-))

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