Eye Level Malaysia

Friday, July 01, 2011

Plaster Fridge Magnet Craft

This is a belated post. We did this during the school holidays. The girl had chosen to buy this Mould&Paint CupCake Craft for her birthday. We didn't have time to work on it, not till the school holidays. Remember her rant... "Mummy, why is it everytime I ask you when we will do this, you say, wait till the school holidays." Anyway, we managed to get it done eventually.

Contents in the box include a mould of 6 different designs, plaster powder, magnet, pins, paint strip of 5 colours, paint brush and detailed instructions. The contents are just enough for making 6 pieces of cupcakes which look good enough to eat!

The plaster is in powder form. First we have to mix the plaster powder with water in a container (container not provided). Then quickly (quickly because the plaster dries up very fast) pour them into the moulds.

Wait a while, then we pop them out of their moulds and then we paint them. Easy peasy.

I helped my girl with the mixing and pouring and she painted the cupcakes all by herself including mixing colours to get new colours etc. Here are our end results. Ok, they don't look as nice as illustrated on the box but the girl enjoyed doing them and there is always the satisfaction when you DIY.

Apart from this edible looking cupcakes, there are fairies, cars and other stuff to mould and paint.
I find that after starting primary school we haven't had that much time to do our own crafts so we have to settle for this store bought one. I'm glad I took the time to do crafting with my children when they were younger. Otherwise we would have missed out an opportunity to get creative. Now, they have so little time.....

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