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Monday, May 09, 2005

Blogging in my Head

I think most bloggers will have this habit. I often blog in my head. Mostly, blogging in my head occurs:

  • when I'm tossing and turning and having trouble sleeping
  • in the middle of the night after getting up and can't go back to sleep
  • in queues whether its the bank, supermarket or fast food restaurant
  • in the toilet and bathroom
  • in waiting rooms especially if there's a long wait eg clinic, government offices
  • while dining out
  • after reading some newspaper article or a good book
  • while jogging at the park

On a side note, while jogging at the park, I came across a bunch of inconsiderate young men playing football. They had their stuff strewn all over the jogging track so one had to weave through them and I wondered how they got any conversation going from all the cantonese foul words spewing out of their mouths at every sentence (practically 9 out of 10 words they used in a sentence were foul). They probably thought its very cool to behave like that. Ish! I hope theres less young people like that around.

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