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Thursday, May 12, 2005

If I Could Be.......

Oh No! I've been tagged.... by a wanabe lawyer.

What follows is a list of different occupations. The reader must select at least five of them. The reader may add more if they like to the list before they pass it on (after the reader select five of the items as it was passed to the reader). Of the five selected, the reader is to finish each phrase with what he would do as a member of that profession. Then pass it on to three other bloggers.

Here’s that list: (My additions are in bold)

If [Reader] could be a scientist // If [Reader] could be a farmer
if [Reader] could be a musician // If [Reader] could be a doctor
If [Reader] could be a painter // If [Reader] could be a gardener
If [Reader] could be a missionary // If [Reader] could be a chef //
If [Reader] could be an architect // If [Reader] could be a linguist
If [Reader] could be a psychologist // If [Reader] could be a librarian
If [Reader] could be an athlete // If [Reader] could be a lawyer
If [Reader] could be an innkeeper // If [Reader] could be a professor
If [Reader] could be a writer // If [Reader] could be a backup dancer
If [Reader] could be a llama-rider // If [Reader] could be a bonnie pirate
If [Reader] could be a midget stripper // If [Reader] could be a proctologist
If [Reader] could be a TV-Chat Show host // If [Reader] could be a pariah…
If [Reader] could be an actor // If [Reader] could be a judge
If [Reader] could be a Jedi // If [Reader] could be a mob boss
If [Reader] could be a backup singer // If [Reader] could be a CEO
If [Reader] could be a movie reviewer // If [Reader] could be a monkey’s uncle
If [Reader] could be a bible archaeologist //I f [Reader] could be a househusband
If [Reader] could be a lifeguard //I f [Reader] could be a comic artist
If [Reader] could be a stockbroker//I f [Reader] could be a travel writer
If [Reader] could be a food reviewer //I f [Reader] could be a politician

So here's my 5 picks:
  1. If I could be a backup singer.......I'd sing so well, I'd outshine the main singer. Muahahaha.
  2. If I could be a writer..........hmmm... "Hey! Wait a minute. I am a writer. I blog don't I?
  3. If I could be an innkeeper, I'd own the most beautiful inn, invite all my friends to stay (as paying guests of course) and party all year long. Hehe.
  4. If I could be musician, I'd be a pianist or harpist. I just love the sounds of those two instruments.
  5. If I could be a llama-rider..... Whats that???!!! (*scratches head*)

Now, for the fun part..... The next 3 targets shall be PapiMami (sweet revenge for passing me the music meme previously), solb1kenobi and Simon.

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