Eye Level Malaysia

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blogging for three years and beyond

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Happy Birthday to me.....
Happy Birthday to me.....
Happy Birthday to my blog....
Happy Birthday to me......

I can't believe it. In a blink of an eye, I've been blogging for three years. That would mean I started blogging when I had only 1 kid and she was 2 years old then. Now I have 2 kids and they are 3 and 5 and I have 3 blogs and my first blog is 3. Lol!

This blog birthday is also my blogging anniversary. Because its my first blog it also happens to be the first time I started blogging. So, Happy Blogging Anniversary to me too. 3 years and I continue to enjoy blogging and am learning new things and getting to know new bloggers all the time.

Wanna know how I generated the birthday cake? Visit the The Generator Blog. You will love it and have lots of fun, I promise. Hehe. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me comments, especially those who have been with me right from the start. Thank you. I love it. :)

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