Eye Level Malaysia

Friday, October 07, 2011

Helping Your Child With Revision

Image Link: Child's Slanted Top Desk and Chair
If you have a house with limited space, this desk is perfect for a child's study area.

I'm really hopeless at helping my child with revision. I didn't even realise that till now. That was because my first child was a good learner. She absorbed everything like a sponge and she has a good memory. So when she did well with my  help in revision I thought I was good at it. ;)

Fast forward 2-3 years, I am helping my second child with revision. The first child knows the ropes by now and can do most revision on her own. My second child is different. He is very playful compared to his sister. He has trouble remembering some of the things that he is revising. It is quite frustrating to find that he has forgotten something that you emphasized and repeated to him the very next day.

As a result I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do with him. It does not help that the spouse jumps in to say that I am not systematic and suggests all sorts of manners to help ME improve! Hmm.... I am not the one sitting for the tests! Anyway, he is right to some extent. I have no system for teaching. We jump from subject to subject and when we return to an old subject he has forgotten. I don't know how to make him remember and I am not sure how to help him cover the syllabus.

I guess I am not a good teacher after all. Teaching is hard!

Anyway, here is a really good slideshare on Parent Revision Guide (on SlideShare). You may find it useful if  you are helping your child with exams (this BBC schools site is useful too).

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