Eye Level Malaysia

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Website That Teaches Bahasa Malaysia In A Simple And Fun Way

Learning Bahasa Malaysia in a simple and fun way. That is what this website (Bahasa Malaysia Simple And Fun) promised and it delivers exactly that. I love the drawings and cartoons done personally by the author of this website that teaches Bahasa Malaysia in a simple and fun way. I love the humour and the fact that it teaches Bahasa Malaysia in English. Yes, it is a teaching Bahasa Malaysia site for English speakers. It helps a lot. The humour and cartoons help a lot too.

Take for example, this cartoon on Kata Ganda. After showing it to my kids, now they remember the character and all the kata ganda used to describe him. It's so funny and original. Below is an example of the cartoon you will see on the site. You will have to surf over to the site to see the beginning of the cartoon and the answers based on the kata ganda like calar-balar, comot-momot, compang-camping, kusat-masai and more (the kinds that they're always asking during tests).

Image Credit: Bahasa Malaysia Simple And Fun

Then look at this one on Kata Kerja. The simple cartoon can have you in stitches while helping you remember all the "kata kerja" like menjinjing, menatang, menggalas  etc (the ones that they're so fond of asking all the time during tests. Have I said that?)

While the website aims at the adult learner. Kids can learn a lot from this site too which includes simpulan
bahasa, pepatah, tatabahasa. There is also a section on local fruits and flowers and everything seem so familiar and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when reading and viewing the pictures on the site. I'm familiar with many of the local fruits, flowers and customs as described on the site but my kids aren't. So this is a good way to introduce it to them.

I love this website that teaches Bahasa Malaysia in a simple and fun way. The author and owner of the website is Wan from Kota Kinabalu. That's a self portrait of Wan I found on her site. It's really cute, just as the rest of the site is. I highly recommend this site. 

Oh by the way, Wan didn't pay me to write this. She (I think she's a woman because I saw reference to that on the site although the self caricature looks like a man) doesn't even know me.

Previous Post: Chinese Characters Pictographs or 象形字 

Chinese Characters Pictographs or 象形字

One of the most interesting thing about learning Mandarin is how Chinese Characters evolved to what it is today. Sometimes kids are asked to identify the Chinese Characters Pictograph during examinations to see if they recognize a certain ancient form of a Chinese character. This helps children picture words and visualize them. It helps in the identification of modern Chinese words as you see them today. Of course simplified Chinese characters are so simplified that you sometimes do not see the connection. However, you can sometimes see or view the Chinese character pictographs in your mind when reading traditional Chinese characters.

Here are a few sites with a list of Chinese Character Pictographs for kids and adults who are learning Mandarin.

First, here is a simple introductory video of Chinese Characters Pictographs or Pictograms.

Next, I also like this very comprehensive Chinese Characters Pictograph List from chuansong.me. You will find this reference most useful. Even kids in secondary school level are sometimes asked how a certain Chinese Mandarin character looked liked in the past before it evolved into the present Chinese Character. This list will come in handy then.

Here is another 象形字 list that is just as comprehensive from hxlsw.com

With the above two lists of Chinese Character Pictograms you will be able to look up many Ancient Chinese Characters.

While this is a free printable worksheet of Chinese Pictograph Mandarin Characters for those just starting to learn Chinese.

Remember to bookmark this page. You will need it when your kids are sitting for Chinese tests with Chinese pictograph questions.

Monday, April 27, 2015

What Will BM Penulisan For UPSR 2016 be like?

Read our latest article UPSR 2016 New Format updated on 29 September 2015.

My son just brought back his most recent BM Penulisan paper. He is in SJKC.

I noticed a few differences in the BM Penulisan paper compared to previous years.

For this BM Penulisan paper which incorporates the HOTS (KBAT) style of questioning he had to answer questions in the following format.

Part A = Passage (Petikan) with 4 questions. Subjective answers required. 1 mark each for the first two questions. 2 marks for question 3 and 4 marks for question 4 which is a KBAT question - Total 8 marks

Part B = Bina 5 Ayat based on given words (No graphics given) - 10 marks

Part C = 4 scenarios or situasi given. Students must indicate what they will do in each situation (What will you do?) - 2 marks; then state which nilai murni it is referring to (Which nilai murni?) - 1 mark. That means 3 marks per question - Total 12 marks

Part D =  3 choices of karangan. Write one in not less than 80 words - 30 marks

My analysis - Part A not too difficult accept for the last KBAT question. Part B harder compared to the previous sentence making questions. No graphic clues. Only words which includes kata adjektif and kata nama besides kata kerja. Previously students should  know their kata kerja well to make sentences from given graphics. Part C is also harder. Although not required to write a passage of 40 words on the nilai murni, the student  must write what he thinks is the best thing to do under the given circumstances. (Previously students memorized the penanda wacana for the nilai murni so the passage was not too difficult to write). Part D also got harder from 60 words to 80 words.

This appears different from some of the articles on UPSR 2016 BM Penulisan Formats I've read like this for example.

The previous format was as follows:

Bahagian A - Bina 5 ayat based on given graphics - 10 marks

Bahagian B - 3 choices of karangan given. Write one in not less than 60 words - 30 marks

Bahagian C - Write 4 nilai murni from a given passage. Not more than 40 words. - 20 marks

HOTS = High Order Thinking Skills
KBAT = Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi

So the question is what will BM Penulisan For UPSR 2016 be like? Did your child sit for a BM Penulisan Paper recently? What was it like? Just curious whether it was different from school to school.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Standard 5 Science KSSR Chapter 6 Characteristics Of Light

As promised in my previous post, here is the slideshow for the topic on Characteristics Of Light which is covered in the KSSR syllabus in Chapter 6 of the Standard 5 Science textbook for SJKC. I prepared this for my boy but feel free to use this with your kids.

I have done the slides in two languages, English and with Mandarin translation (I used google translate, pleco and other translation apps to translate the words since I don't know Chinese). I have also included the pinyin. This is because I don't know Chinese and my boy's Chinese is not very good. So, this is helpful for us. Please note that the Chinese and pinyin serve merely as a general guide to us and may not be hundred percent accurate since I am relying on translation software and books, not from personal knowledge of Mandarin Chinese.

I have tried to follow the textbook as closely as possible so that it is more relevant for the Year 5 students. You will find this very useful because it is not easy to find bilingual material that closely follows the school KSSR Year 5 Science syllabus.

The topics include:

  • How Light Travels
  • Formation Of Shadows
  • Reflection Of Light
  • Applications Of Reflection Of Light
  • Refraction Of Light (Refraction of Light was not previously covered in the KBSR syllabus so if you get an old workbook, you may not find this part included)

Mind Map On Energy Year 5 Science KSSR Syllabus

This is part 2 of my earlier post on the same topic SJKC Year 5 KSSR Science on Energy.

I've been exploring various ways to make "notes" to make my teaching more interesting and memorable. In the previous post on SJKC Year 5 Science on Energy, I created bilingual slides using Haiku Deck and Slideshare. That was an interesting experiment with very nice results.

This time, I've used the mind mapping app called Inspiration Maps which I downloaded on my iPad. I'm using the free version, so I only have 5 mind maps I can do but that's ok, I can reuse them by editing. The app does not allow deletions for the free version, so you can't delete and recreate to fulfill your 5 minimum quota. I hope the developers won't disallow edits once you're done as that will mean that my 5 limit will be gone in no time. :(

Anyway, this is the mind map I have created for the topic on Energy for the Year 5 Science following the KSSR syllabus. The KBSR syllabus has the same thing too with slight variations so it applies for both. Sorry, I can't provide the pdf for printing since the pdf format is only available to paid users. (I use a lot of apps and I can't afford to pay for all of them so I usually stick to the lite or free versions only).

Feel free to bookmark this page to show it to your Std 5 child when learning this Science topic on Energy. This time I am using only English instead of bilingual as it is a little bit tiring for me to translate and provide the Chinese words for SJKC students. However, studying Science is all about learning concepts. The child can learn concepts first and then learn the language. So you can teach in English and then have the child translate the important terms to Chinese for SJKC or Bahasa Malaysia for SK. This speeds up understanding, comprehension, retention and memory especially if the child is used to or more comfortable in using English.

You can create mind maps or rather visual diagrams like this too using the Inspiration app. It is very easy to use. You can just use  your fingers to move the diagram around. You can use a search tool to select relevant pictures which are available within the app or use photos from your own device or camera. You can change the arrows, the shapes, the colors. You can add notes. The diagram can also be turned around to have the notes in line by line text format with headings and sub headings. You can hide the visuals for the sub-headings while you are teaching etc. It is a very interesting app to use for teaching. What you see here is just the static image but what you have on the app is more dynamic as I just described so if you have the time, you can create your own visual diagrams. If not, just use mine. 

Coming next: Bilingual Slide Share on the Year 5 Science Topic on Characteristics Of Light. I've done 18 bilingual slides on the topic on Haiku Deck. Check it out.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Visual Search Engine Tool For Educators, Teachers, Parents And Students

Yesterday I was blogging about some great visual mapping tools for students. However, this visual search tool deserves special mention. I am totally in love with this search tool. The description of this app as given in iTunes is as follows:

"Visualize the mindmap of English Wikipedia: make sense of every topic, in no time flat."

Indeed it is that and more. Let's have a look at it step by step.

Step 1: Go to LearnDiscovery and download the app from the app store link provided in the website.

Step 2: Open up the app and you will find a simple search tool as follows. Don't be fooled by its simplicity and clean looks. You are in for a nice surprise.

Step 3: Type in your search term. I have typed in the term "Energy" and this is a list of suggested links I got. You can try with any other search term you like.

Step 4: Click on the link that best represents what you want to search for. I clicked on "Energy" and got a visual mind map of my search results.

Step 5: Now I can either double tap on any of these visuals to get more information or single tap to search deeper. I decided to tap on the "Kinetic Energy" visual and I received another mind map connected to the first. Nice!

Step 6: You can keep on doing this or if you are satisfied that you have found what you are looking for, you can double tap on it for more information. I decided to double tap the visual "Kinetic Energy" and this time I got more information in the form of text with information on the topic or video.

Step 7: If video is what you want, then click on "Video". That's what I did and I got the following. A list of videos on the subject is shown. Lovely!

A wonderful search tool for students, teachers and parents. I have a feeling I will be using this a lot from now on.

Previous post: Thinking Maps And Mind Maps For Helping Kids To Make School Notes

Thinking Maps And Mind Maps For Helping Kids To Make School Notes

The boy has been taught thinking maps and I have not. So, I thought I had better update myself on these things so I can give him some information, the correct ones, if he comes to me for help. I think it  is a good idea to teach thinking maps in school. It helps the visual learner. My son is one such learner. He likes to draw his information or things he learns. He remembers them better this way. He remembers better through visual association.

In today's post on thinking maps and mind maps for helping kids to make school notes, I will share with you some sites and apps which I find really useful in teaching anyone about visual maps to organize information. I'm also putting them here as a bookmark for myself for easy lookup and reference. Feel free to bookmark this post for yourself too for when you need it.

1. Thinking Maps from Park Meadows Elementary School website. This site has all the thinking maps my son has been talking about. It gives a brief explanation of what thinking maps are all about and each kind of thinking map including circle maps, bubble map, double bubble map, flow map, brace map, tree map, multi-flow map and bridge map and how these maps can be used for to organize information. A pdf printable for each type of thinking map is also included. Very useful, concise and precise.

2. How To Mind Map - This is an ios app for ipad and iphone users on How To Mind Map by the man himself, Tony Buzan. I love this interactive course. It has videos, quizzes and other tools to help you learn what true mind mapping is. It helped me understand exactly what a true mind map should be like. Now I know it well, I can help my children to use it for making school notes. It is a very useful memorizing tool that can be used by anyone of any age. If you do not have an ipad or iphone, you can opt for this online interactive course on How To Mind Map.

Image Credit: Image is from the How To Mind Map app description page on iTunes

3. Inspiration Maps - This is a visual learning app for the ipad. It includes templates for all sorts of visual maps including graphic organizers, concept maps, webbing etc. You can visit the Inspiration website to learn more about these visual maps.  I like that the tools include graphics shapes and pictures which you can use for your visual maps. You can also use your own pictures from the camera on your device.

Image Credit: Image is from the Inspiration Maps app description page on iTunes

4. Kidspiration Maps Lite - For very young kids, you can also use Kidspiration Lite on the iPad. However, you are only limited  to 5 maps from the many beautiful templates you can choose from unless you upgrade. Still 5 free is better than none. They are excellent and include templates for Science, Math and others. 

Image Credit: Image is from the Kidspiration lite app description page on iTunes

Updated: Finally check out this school site (SMK Taman Tasik) which gives an explanation on the 8 types of ithink maps including circle map, bubble map, double bubble map, tree map, brace map, flow map, multi-flow map and bridge map. Here are examples of the 8 ithink maps in use.

Next: Visual Learners will also benefit from this visual search engine for educators, teachers, parents and students.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Standard 5 Science An Overview

I've been looking for online materials as extra supplementary reading on Year 5 Science for my son who is in Standard 5 in SJKC.

I'm pleased to have found some very good summaries of the Year 5 subject in the form of a teacher's blog and teacher's slides. Here they are:
  • A blog simply named Science Year 5 by a teacher. Topics presented on the blog include Energy, Heat, Light, Electricity, Investigating Living Things, Phases of the moon etc. It is in KBSR format but many of the topics are still applicable for those doing KSSR Science. 
  • Here's another teacher's blog. She has comprehensive mind maps for Science Year 4, 5 & 6. Also suitable for KBSR syllabus but nevertheless can be used for KSSR as well.
  • Slides by another teacher also giving a summary of Standard 5 Science in easy to digest mind maps. 43 slides in all covering mind maps on Microorganism, Survival of Animals, Food Chain, Heat, Light, Electricity, Investigating Earth And Universe, Investigating Materials and more.
These blogs, mind maps and slides by teachers give a good overall summary or revision for the student doing Year 5 Science in English. Even if Science were taught in Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin or Tamil, these resources can still be used to explain the concepts. The student can then learn the relevant terms in the required language. Remember the mind maps are there as a good visual reference but kids should be encouraged to draw their own. :)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Step By Step On How To Transfer School From Wilayah Persekutuan To Selangor

A few things to know before you read this post. In this blog post, I will be sharing the steps we took to transfer our child from a secondary school in Wilayah Persekutuan to Selangor for Form 1. We did the transfer last  year in 2014 for the schooling year 2015. So if you are reading this later, procedures may have changed. So, always  check with your child's school (both the school you wish to transfer out of as well as the school you wish to transfer to), the PPD (Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah) or the JPN (Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri) to confirm the steps. You may not even need to go to the JPN if your transfer is within the same state or area as it may be done by the PPD. So do call up beforehand to find out which PPD or whether you need to go to the JPN. They officers will let you know.

This post is merely to help give you an idea of what may be required. The steps  mentioned here are not carved in stone and may change when the PPD or JPN makes changes.  It is based on personal experience from transfer of secondary school from Wilayah Persekutuan to Selangor for Form One in Secondary School.

Note: During the year when your child sits for UPSR exam in Std 6, you may be given 2 forms before the UPSR exam. (The UPSR exam is usually around September). The forms contain the secondary schools within your child's school vicinity. These are the feeder schools for your child's primary school. That means that children from a certain primary school will automatically have preference in certain secondary schools within the schools vicinity. (not your house but the school). One form contains a list of these schools for normal schools. The other form contains a list of cluster schools. You are supposed to choose your top 3 picks by filling up the form. You fill up the cluster school form only if you are interested in those schools. Otherwise you don't have to. For cluster schools, later on you may need to submit your UPSR result slip as well.

Now if you didn't want to go to any of those schools in the list, then you have to do a transfer AFTER a school in the list has been allocated to your child. This post states how we did our transfer from a secondary school in Wilayah Persekutuan to a secondary school in Selangor.

Step 1

You will need to get a transfer form from the school you wish to transfer out of. Go to that school and request for it. Several copies of the transfer form will be prepared and handed to you after you fill in the required information on the form.

Step 2

Keep one copy of the transfer form for your own files. Hand the rest over to the JPN Selangor together with supporting documents. You may be required to put the documents in a certain order as shown in the photograph below. Supporting documents include the school leaving certificate from primary school, a copy of the UPSR result slip, IC of parent and child, proof of address in the form of electrical bill or astro bill etc and divorce papers etc if you are divorced. Don't forget your transfer forms. The forms are for the JPN, the PPD and the school you wish to transfer to but you don't have to send those forms. The JPN will do it. Just hand all the copies to them while keeping one for yourself.

We submitted our documents and were told to wait till 20 January 2015 for the results (as stated in the picture below). We were told to let our child attend school at the allocated school first while waiting for the results.

Appeal Documentation Required For Form 1 School Transfer

Transfer Form And Supporting Documentation Are Required To Be Arranged In A Certain Order
Step 3

If you are transferring to a cluster school for example SMJK Katholik, there may be minimum entry requirements as shown in the photograph below. I took a picture of that form at the JPN Selangor. The form states that it is for year 2014 so it is a bit outdated but I think the process may be more or less the same just to give you a better idea. An interesting thing if you look at the form carefully. Priority is given for feeder schools within the vicinity of the school, followed by schools within Selangor and lastly schools from other states not only for placement but also in terms of minimum entry requirements. 

Step 4

After submitting your transfer form you wait. However, don't wait passively. From our experience, the JPN repeatedly stated that we are to start calling only after 20 Jan 2015. That is not ideal at all as that would mean having to start school first at the allocated school, pay fees, buy books etc for 2 to 3 weeks not to mention having to attend the orientation at the school you wish to transfer out of and miss the orientation of the school you wish to transfer to. 

As the school we wish to transfer to were having their Form 1 school orientation on 31st December, we decided to try our luck by calling the JPN on 29th December. With a sigh of relief, we were told that our transfer had been approved and we could speed things up by collecting the approval ourselves for handing over to the new school instead of waiting for JPN to send it for us. So we went to collect the letter on 30th but had to wait for 4 hours as there was no one manning the counter. We were told that everyone had gone off for a meeting. Finally someone came and told us that the letters were not ready because they had not been signed but after I mentioned the name of the person I spoke to who said I could collect the letter, she went to check and within minutes I got my approval letter. There were several other parents waiting for their letters too. Sigh. I really think they should have at least one person at the counter since it was a peak period. If you had to wait 4 hours to collect a letter that was ready to be collected and could have been collected in 5 minutes flat, you too would be peeved. I won't say more because this is supposed to be a step by step on how to transfer school from Wilayah to Selangor but I just had to have that short rant. 

So we got our transfer approval letter on 30th and attended the school orientation at the new school on 31st December. 

All you have to do is hand the approval letter to the new school.  A copy of the approval letter will be sent to the old school by the JPN so you do not need to do anything at the school you transferred out of.

Below is a map and address of the Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Selangor. Good luck on your school transfer appeals.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Difference Between SJKC English And SK English UPSR Papers

The level of BM in SK is higher compared to SJKC. Everyone knows that. However, did you know that the level of English in SK is also higher than that in SJKC? For this post, we won't go into reasons why it is that way. I suppose if you have to learn 3 languages, then you can't be expected to be good in all three. Anyway, lets take a look at the UPSR English Paper for 2011. 

The paper 1 does not have any significant difference so I won't post that here. The difference lies in the Paper 2. Both SK and SJKC English Paper 2 have 3 Sections. Let's start with Section A. As you can see from the Year 2011 English UPSR paper 2 below, the SK paper requires the student to make 5 sentences from a given picture. 10 words are given as an overall guide. 

The SJKC English paper on the other hand requires the students to make 10 sentences with 20 guide words provided (2 for each sentence). Both are given 10 marks with 15 minutes as suggested time to complete.

That means the sentence making for SK carries 2 marks each while SJKC gets 1 mark per sentence. 

Section A English UPSR Paper 2 Year 2011 for SK

Section A English UPSR Paper 2 Year 2011 for SJKC

Now let's look at Section B. Section B is 25 marks and suggested time is 25 minutes for both. This section tests the students on their ability to transfer given information. Here is the SK English Paper Section B for Year 2011. Information is provided. Students are then required to transfer the information into a given table by completing the blank parts of the table in Part A (10 marks). In the second part of the question ie Part B which carries 5 marks, students are required to write a short passage on why they chose an activity based on the given information.

 Section B English UPSR Paper 2 Year 2011 for SK 

  Section B English UPSR Paper 2 Year 2011 for SK (cont)

Now here is the SJKC English Paper 2 Section B. Students are given information. They are then required to transfer the information onto a passage by filling in the blanks. 5 blanks and 15 marks equals 3 marks for each blank. Some answers require just one word. 3 marks for a single word. Quite a heavy penalty if you get it wrong. Marks will be deducted for grammatical and spelling errors.

  Section B English UPSR Paper 2 Year 2011 for SJKC

Lastly, lets have a look at Section C. Section C is the same for both. Write a story based to given pictures. 15 marks. Time Suggested is 35 minutes.

 Section C English UPSR Paper 2 Year 2011 for SK

 Section C English UPSR Paper 2 Year 2011 for SJKC 

 Section C English UPSR Paper 2 Year 2011 for SJKC (Cont)

So if you've always wondered what is the difference between SJKC and SK English papers for UPSR, I hope the above detailed analysis gives you a better idea.

This is based on past year UPSR papers. As a parent, I do not know what lies ahead. There may be changes to this format. There will be more HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) questions. According to my son, during his recent English term exams, there was no English Paper 2. Everything was in one single paper. I have not seen his paper  yet so I can't confirm. He is one of those in the first batch doing the KSSR syllabus with School Based Assessments contributing 40% to the overall UPSR grade. At this point of writing, I do not know how the 2016 UPSR will be like and what subjects will be included. Will History be included for example?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Geografi Tingkatan 1 Unit 6 Bentuk Mukabumi Pinggir Laut

No, I've not started blogging in Malay. As I was online my girl came up to me and asked me

"Mum, what's the meaning of Gerbang Laut terbentuk apabila hakisan ombak berterusan secara bertentangan di antara dua buah gua di sebuah tanjung."

Google translate turned up the following:

Sea arch formed when a continuous wave erosion in contradiction between the two caves in a cape .
Hmm... I think I need pictures.

Finally, I found this and was able to show and explain it to her. They say a picture says a thousand words. It really does. The following slides gives a very good explanation of Geografi Tingkatan 1 Unit 6, Bentuk Mukabumi Pinggir Laut. Thanks to the person who created it. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

SJKC Year 5 KSSR Science On Energy

I always like to search online for educational stuff for my kids who are in SJKC. One place which I like to look often is Slideshare. It has many local Malaysian educators slides which are useful for use by our SJKC and SK students. Since there are many slideshare presentations in there by teachers, I've deduced that it must be really easy to make one. So I decided to make one.

I didn't really know how to go about it although I've had a slideshare account for sometime. This time I clicked on Create a "Get Started" and was brought to Haiku Deck. Haiku Deck apparently is another tool for creating beautiful presentations. So I created a Haiku Deck account, started creating my presentation, saved it and finally uploaded it to my slideshare.

Haiku Deck is also on my ipad and iphone. I found it really easy to create presentations using my ipad. That is because I wanted to create a bilingual one for my son who is doing KSSR Science in SJKC Year 5. With my ipad and my finger pads, I can easily go from one app to another ie from Google translate and Pleco to Haiku Deck and in no time at all, I was able to come up with a bilingual Chinese/Pinyin/English presentation of Energy, the next topic he will be doing in his KSSR Standard 5 Science. Cool! I love it! It is really easy to create, even for someone who does not know Chinese like me. My son's Chinese isn't very good either so the pinyin and English translation will be useful for him.

Feel free to snag it for your own use. If you download the slideshare app on your ipad, you can show it to your child on the go. You can even print it out if you like. Here is the pdf version of the SJKC Year 5 Science Energy topic. I don't recommend printing though accept the wordy parts. Let's save on paper by just looking at the presentations online.

DISCLAIMER: I do not know any Chinese Mandarin accept through translation apps so the pinyin and English translation may not be hundred percent accurate. (What I did was take a picture of the Chinese word from Google translate app from my son's SJKC Science Year 5 textbook. Then using simple copy and paste, I was able to translate and transfer the Chinese words, pinyin and translated English version onto my presentation).

Coupon Codes, Deals And Promos For Malaysian Shoppers

I am a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) who stays at home a lot! I use the internet a lot to blog, to find educational materials for my kids and blog about it, to find online deals and blog about it. I also have a Facebook group for parents with over 9000 members. As admin for a group of this size, I spend a lot of my time online. So it is only natural that I do my shopping online as well.

Today, I'm going to blog about an interesting one stop shopping site I found online.

I was never very comfortable with shopping online at first because I did not trust giving out my information, nor did I trust that what I see was going to be what I get. However, after many rounds of online shopping, I've finally let go of my fear of online shopping. As long as you go to established sites and well known sellers, it is ok. It is always a good idea to check out your seller and read their reviews first.

So far, I've been shopping from different online retailers so I am pleased to find one which puts all of these retailers in one place. It is rather like a big online supermarket where you can browse and look for items from your favorite online retailers. I'm talking about the one stop shopping destination called iprice. Below is an infographic about how iprice works.

I also really like the fact that they have coupons codes Malaysia from sites like Zalora, Lazada and Groupon. It is good idea to look for these discount and promotions before shopping especially now with the GST being no longer on the horizon but a reality.

This post was brought to you by iprice.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

KSSR Standard 5 Science Chapter 4 On Survival Of Plants

My son is studying chapter 4 of his Standard 5 KSSR Science on Survival of Plants.

Found this as additional reading material for him.

1. Natural Defense Of Plants - Simple explanation from this teacher's blog with pictures to illustrate

2. Seed Dispersal - I especially like the two videos found on this page about seed dispersal that shows how seeds are dispersed by wind and another on explosive seeds dispersal. These videos are an excellent way to explain how seeds are dispersed by this methods.

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