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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Geografi Tingkatan 1 Unit 6 Bentuk Mukabumi Pinggir Laut

No, I've not started blogging in Malay. As I was online my girl came up to me and asked me

"Mum, what's the meaning of Gerbang Laut terbentuk apabila hakisan ombak berterusan secara bertentangan di antara dua buah gua di sebuah tanjung."

Google translate turned up the following:

Sea arch formed when a continuous wave erosion in contradiction between the two caves in a cape .
Hmm... I think I need pictures.

Finally, I found this and was able to show and explain it to her. They say a picture says a thousand words. It really does. The following slides gives a very good explanation of Geografi Tingkatan 1 Unit 6, Bentuk Mukabumi Pinggir Laut. Thanks to the person who created it. 

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