Eye Level Malaysia

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

SJKC Year 5 KSSR Science On Energy

I always like to search online for educational stuff for my kids who are in SJKC. One place which I like to look often is Slideshare. It has many local Malaysian educators slides which are useful for use by our SJKC and SK students. Since there are many slideshare presentations in there by teachers, I've deduced that it must be really easy to make one. So I decided to make one.

I didn't really know how to go about it although I've had a slideshare account for sometime. This time I clicked on Create a "Get Started" and was brought to Haiku Deck. Haiku Deck apparently is another tool for creating beautiful presentations. So I created a Haiku Deck account, started creating my presentation, saved it and finally uploaded it to my slideshare.

Haiku Deck is also on my ipad and iphone. I found it really easy to create presentations using my ipad. That is because I wanted to create a bilingual one for my son who is doing KSSR Science in SJKC Year 5. With my ipad and my finger pads, I can easily go from one app to another ie from Google translate and Pleco to Haiku Deck and in no time at all, I was able to come up with a bilingual Chinese/Pinyin/English presentation of Energy, the next topic he will be doing in his KSSR Standard 5 Science. Cool! I love it! It is really easy to create, even for someone who does not know Chinese like me. My son's Chinese isn't very good either so the pinyin and English translation will be useful for him.

Feel free to snag it for your own use. If you download the slideshare app on your ipad, you can show it to your child on the go. You can even print it out if you like. Here is the pdf version of the SJKC Year 5 Science Energy topic. I don't recommend printing though accept the wordy parts. Let's save on paper by just looking at the presentations online.

DISCLAIMER: I do not know any Chinese Mandarin accept through translation apps so the pinyin and English translation may not be hundred percent accurate. (What I did was take a picture of the Chinese word from Google translate app from my son's SJKC Science Year 5 textbook. Then using simple copy and paste, I was able to translate and transfer the Chinese words, pinyin and translated English version onto my presentation).

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