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Saturday, February 26, 2005


I'm having a toothache but thats the least of my worries.

I'm worried about all my babies (so what else is new?). Baby No1. (Mr MG) is away doing something he'd really rather not be doing. Sigh! Poor Baby.

Baby No2 (ie the real baby in the house) is down with fever. On and off, on and off. Poor baby. I'm stuck at home without a car so I'm a bit worried his fever will be high. I keep on checking his temperature. Poor baby must be wondering what mummy is doing sticking something under his arm every hour. Sigh! Guess who won't be having much sleep tonight.

Then theres Baby No3 (toddler) who is feeling just a little jealous about all the attention Baby No2 is getting. She too wants to have her temperature taken and wants to take medicine! (And to think of all the times when she was ill and I had to force the medicine down her throat. Maybe next time I will pretend to give it to baby!)

So, here is Baby No 4 (MG), feeling all disorientated, uncomfortable (time of month summore), worried and ahh.... yes...the toothache. I thought I was writing about toothache? I AM feeling disoriented, can't you tell?

Note: Baby No4 needs some babying and TLC now but must go and baby all the other babies first.

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