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Monday, October 10, 2005

Not so merry-go-round

I hate being sick!
But there's one more thing I hate more than being sick.
I hate being sick and passing on that sickness to another person in the house!
But there's one more think I hate more than being sick and passing it on.
I hate being sick and passing on that sickness to another person in the house who passes it on to another person in the house!
But theres one more think I hate more than being sick and passing it on and on.
I hate being sick and passing on that sickness to another person in the house who passes it on to another person in the house who passes it on to another person in the house!
But theres one thing I hate most of all.
I hate being sick and passing on that sickness to another person in the house who passes it on to another person in the house who passes it on to another person in the house who passes it back to me!

Now, I've just started this not so merry-go-round going ie. I'm the weakest link. I have a bad cold and sore throat and just passed it on to my girl. Hope it stops there or it'll be a really tiring not so merry-go-round.

One thing that any mother and wife hates most of all is for any member of her family to be sick because its hard looking after sick manja people but its even harder doing that when you yourself are sick!

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