Eye Level Malaysia

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Seeking opinion for new blog focus and direction

I shall be moving my personal weblog on my own domain soon. I have been busy setting it up and being the perfectionist that I am, I wanted it to be just right and learn all the ropes about blogging on wordpress first before I move but........ I'm getting impatient. I think I will just jump right in and learn along the way as I did with this blog. Hehe.

This is how I am planning my move.
  • I will not be importing my archives over to my new blog. (because I don't know how and I'm lazy. I also do not want to be penalised by google for duplicate content, nor do I want to lose my page ranking for this blog) So, my archives stay here. I will interlink both blogs.
  • I am reaching my target 10th post at PayPerPost on my Mothering Times blog and will be registering this blog to write sponsored posts. (Then maybe I will become a WAHM instead of a SAHM. )
  • I will be keeping this blog alive but I need new direction and focus

But what should I focus on? My job is "mother" and thats the best subject I like to write about with passion but I can't very well have 3 motherhood blogs! Thats overkill! Lol! So now I have my own domain for my personal weblog, I have my Mothering Times blog for mothers but what about this one? What shall I do with it? Should I change the heading and description?

Help! My dear readers, please help me brainstorm for ideas on how to keep this blog alive. I don't want to kill it. I love it too much. Besides, this blog is now worth something ie in terms of being able to generate some income. I just realised that its got its own value as a cyber real estate. Thats so amazing!

I thought about continuing this blog for topics related to all my kid's lessons, crafts, activities, favourite online sites etc. or maybe I could write about topics of interests specifically to SAHMs and the rants and joys of being one. Hmm... I can't decide. I need new purpose and focus for this blog. Any ideas, anyone? What should I continue to write about here?

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