Eye Level Malaysia

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Unveiling of Mumsgather.com

Ok! Thats it! I can't stand it anymore. There's no better time than the present, no other time like right now. So why wait any longer? I will "hoi cheong" or open blog ceremony for my new weblog hosted on my own domain today.

I would appreciate it if you all will be so sweet as to add my new link to your blogroll. "Add" ok? Not "Replace" with this link as I will keeping this blog alive. Hehehe.

Thank you everyone for visiting my blog and special thanks to Lilian and Bryan for making this happen and to Sesame for her many ideas and suggestions.

So, here it is, my new blog. Tadaa! http://www.mumsgather.com/

P.S. The brainstorming session on how to keep this blog alive (from the previous post) is not closed yet! Please keep the suggestions coming. Thank you.

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