Eye Level Malaysia

Friday, February 17, 2006

Super Glue

"Nothing you could say
Could tear me away from my mom,
Nothing you could do
cause I'm stuck like glue to my mom

I'm sticking to my mom like a stamp to a letter
Like birds of a feather, we stick together
I'm tellin' you from the start
I can't be torn apart from my mom"

Lyrics Above: Borrowed from the Song "My Guy" by Diana Ross

SuperGlue: I've got two of those strong stuff at home... in the form of a sweet little girl and a mischievious little boy who follow me around all day. My two precious kids are like super glue. They are stuck to me all day long ie they're very, very clingy. No one else will do, not even daddy, not to mention a stranger or a relative. Poor daddy often (though not all the time, luckily) gets rejected by the little ones, shaking their heads vigorously and running away from him or crying really, really hard and trying to reach out to me when he tries to carry them. They would not let him carry them even when he's seating right beside me. (*rolls eyes*)

Their daddy says its my fault they are this way. He says I have the unfair advantage of being with them all day. Grrr.... You think its fun meh? Now I just wish they'd stick to him for once, so that I'd get to eat my meal slowly, read the papers silently without anyone stomping on the pages or go to the toilet without interuptions.

Sometimes they are not even satisfied with me sitting right beside them while they are playing or watching a vcd. They'd insist on sitting on my lap and push at each other to get to the favoured position. I wonder when they'll outgrow this clingy or separation anxiety age? Hmmm... I suppose I should just enjoy it for before I know it, they'd be rejecting me for their own friends instead.

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