Eye Level Malaysia

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Balik from Balik Kampung


"Car! Car!"

"The wheels of the car go round and round, round and round.........."

"Lets play the colour game. Can you see a red car? Can you see a blue car?"

"Which biscuit you want to eat? The rabbit one or the butterfly one?"

"You want to eat some oranges? Mummy peel for you."

"Here! Here's a pen and paper. Draw something....anything."

"C'mon..... stop pushing baby!"

"C'mon you two. Stop fighting."

"Here's a cool drink for you."

"Come. Let mummy wipe your face and neck with this cool towel. You'll feel better."

"Time for a pamper change. Hmm... after that no need to wear your jeans already lah. Its soooo hot."

"Oh, look there's the sunset. Isn't it beautiful? Got pink, orange, blue......"

"Mummy.... why is it dark dark already?"

"Twinkle, twinkle little star......"

"Car! Car!" (Thats baby's second word after "Star", his first.)

And that..... was how we survived a 7 hour balik from balik kampung journey starting at 2pm after lunch and arriving home after 9pm without even stopping for dinner. Only a short stop for toilet break which felt like there was some bazzaar or funfare going on at the rest area the way it was buzzing with people and activities! The kids have been surprisingly good being confined for so many hours in a car.

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