Eye Level Malaysia

Friday, February 10, 2006

The next day ie the 3rd day of CNY

Continuation of Surprise. We managed to extend our stay the next day. Yippee! So we had a little time on the beach in the morning. Then it was time for some lunch with the family.

After lunch, we went to the temple to pay respects to my deceased mum. Mum thought of us before she died. She wanted to be cremated and her ashes kept there so that we need not trod on tall lalang and overgrown grass to see her. Well, mum was very thoughtful and smart indeed. Her place of rest is a tourist attraction so its always well kept and clean!

I secretly "told" mum. "Mum. Look. I brought your grandchildren to see you. You don't have to worry about me anymore. Now I have a good husband and a little family to love." Hubby secretly "told" mum. "Thank you for a good wife." It didn't remain a secret for long coz we told each other soon after. Hehehe. Thats the closest to a declaration of love I will get from hubby. So I shall treasure it in my heart always. Now thats my little Valentine message. Cos I'm sure not going to get anything from him then. Neither will he get anything from me. Hahaha. (I rmember one year we went grocery shopping at a mall and our bill exceeded a certain amout so I could go and collect some free rose from the counter and I teased him about how I had to even go and collect my own rose cos he didn't bother to get it for me.)

We spent too much time driving around cos there was traffic jam everywhere. At night we did manage to jalan-jalan around the bazaar outside the hotel to buy some souverneirs for friends. We got My Boy a cute little Penang T-shirt and shorts suit which we bargained down from RM19 to RM8. My Girl has a little Penang T-shirt with the Penang bridge on it costing RM2.50 just to help her remember the trip cos she was so excited to be on the bridge.

Early the next morning, hubby woke My Girl up early so he could take her to the beach to look at the sunrise. We let baby sleep in for a while. Then it was more beach (the children loves to dig in the sand with their little spades. Pic above is our little sand castle with a handpicked seashell roof and little pine trees lining up the driveway. Hahaha), more lunch with family before the long, tedious journey home. The buffet breakfast at the hotel was scrumptious and I dug in kiasu M'sian style both mornings. Lol. (Forgetting all about my diet!) All in all, we had a wonderful time and now its recorded somewhere in the recess of my mind for reliving and cherishing from time to time. :)

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