Eye Level Malaysia

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Pencil Shaving Flower Craft for kids

I vaguely remembered doing some artwork in primary school using coloured pencil shavings and told my girl about it one day while I was sharpening her colour pencils. Since then she has been pestering me to do it with her. Unfortunately I couldn't find any good ideas on the internet to follow so I had to make do with my own imagination to stop her from pestering me. She can be very persistent! Lol!

I'm not very artistic so it didn't turn out as nice as I had envisioned. Hahaha. I had imagined lovely daisies, pretty rosebuds and beautiful sunflowers but what we got was this instead.

Here's what we used for the flower craft:

  1. Art Paper
  2. Coloured Pencil Shavings
  3. Glue

Here's how we did the flower craft:

First we sharpened some coloured pencils in various colours and collected the shavings. Then we glued them onto the art paper and decorated the rest of the picture. We decorated ours by drawing a flower pot for the flowers. I helped my girl (and my boy) to glue the flowers on and had her draw in the grass in the pot, the flower stem, leaves and butterflies. According to her the blue butterfly she drew at the side has a big smile and is sticking its red tongue out. Haha. Kids and their imagination.

As usual, baby not wanting to be a mere onlooker also helped to draw a few lines for the stems, coloured the flower pot and helped to press the flowers with the glue on together with his sister. Not knowing what to do with the balance colourful wax left behind from the pencil sharpenings, we put some extra glue on the paper and sprinkled them all over for extra colour and texture. Its not great to look at but as usual the kids enjoyed the session which is whats most important.

And in case anyone is wondering, NO, a SAHM does not have a lot of free time to do such crafts with the kids. Our crafts always take very little time. (The childrens' crafts are usually very cheap and require very little resources as well) This flower craft only took about 20 minutes from start to finish including clearing up. And then we're off to another activity.

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