Anyway, we are having a headache. There are so many things to consider. Should we just buy a children's education policy? Now, that surely that would be easier. Just pay a fixed amount every month...but then the returns are low.....but then there's protection, in case anything happened to us.
Hmmm...what about putting aside some money in the bank every month. (Calculate. Calculate.) That would give us more at the end of the period than the education policy. But...would we have the discipline to put aside some money (the same amount) every month? If we put the money in the bank, in whose name should it be? Hubby or mine or joint or as trustees for the children themselves?
What about investing the money. Now that would surely give much better returns. But then it would require a lot more monitoring. Again, would we be disciplined enough?
Decisions, decisions, decisions. Better do some homework before deciding. Yup, I'm going to put links from my 'homework' right here in my little cyber filing cabinet for easy reference as usual. I've got 'free google search this site' facility but don't know how to put the code in. NVM, it still works so I can use it for searching my own articles for reference when I need it. Hee hee. Very kiasu. Sign up for all the freebies for my blog.
Here are my links:
Education Planning
Education Planning For Children
Investing in Education: A Closer Look
Teaching Children About Money(this one not relevant at this point but for some future point)
Bank 1's Education Plan I
Bank 1's Education Plan II
Bank 2
Bank 3
Will add more links when I come across them
Children's Savings Accounts
Bank 1
Bank 2
Bank 3
Bank 4
Bank 5
Education Savings Calculator