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Friday, December 31, 2004

The Goodness of Life

This shall be my last post for 2004. Over the past few days we have all been assailed by the horrible visions and thoughts of the great destruction and loss of lives left by the earthquake and tsunami. I did not want to blog about it. Its there in my face everyday, the newspaper headlines screaming at me, its everywhere online, and on blogsphere. I think it shook most of us because it could have been anyone of us. The tsunami took the young and old, the poor, the rich, even royalty. It matters not what creed or colour the victims were. It just came and swept them away in a matter of minutes. Simply horrifying.

My brother and his family were at the exact spot at Patong beach, Phuket. They were on that beach from 12pm to 3pm Malaysian time on 21st December. The Tsunami struck about that time on 26th December. According to bro, they were on the exact location/spot at Patong Beach. In fact the kids were out swimming in the sea (crystal clear, calm, and blue!) whilst brother and his wife lay on the beach under the beach umbrella. It was probably the safest beach - lined up with two rows of beach umbrellas for more than 4 kilometers. I am so thankful they are safe. Yes, it could have been anyone of us.

We have spoken enough about the tragedy. So I will not speak about it further. I would like instead to share with readers a positive message to remind ourselves there is still goodness in life. We all need a little calm and peace right now to reflect over the past year and prepare ourselves to welcome the new year. Please click on this link http://thegoodnessoflife.com/

Happy New Year everyone.

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