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Monday, August 21, 2006

Forget Slimming Aids and Slimming Centres (All it takes is a little determination and Willpower)

I have not been a fat person for most of my life but after my two babies, I became one. I could no longer recognise myself in the mirror and if I didn't, so too the people around me. Sometime in October, I decided that enough is enough and so I made a resolution to lose weight and thats what I did. I lost around 8-10 pounds in around 6 months from that resolution. However, after losing, I became lazy and now my weight has stabilized around 125 pounds. So its time to renew my resolution and start from a new base.

Its not hard to lose weight really. All it takes is some self discipline. There is no need for any slimming aids or slimming centres. What is required is the correct state of mind, a plan and the determination to follow through that plan. There is no difference in losing weight on your own or through a slimming centre. When you walk in to a slimming centre with the aim to lose weight half the battle has been won because you have decided to make a change and so you follow the plan and diet set up for you.

  • I am my own "slimming centre". Today I am renewing my plan to lose weight and follow through my own diet and exercise regime which I have slacked.
  • I do not need any slimming aids. I will just eat wisely and do my exercises diligently. (Speaking of slimming aids, the most ridiculous ones I've seen around recently are the ones you wear around your waist and vibrates or the other which you sit on a saddle and get rocked about like on a horse. How on earth is any of those contraptions going to help anyone to lose weight is beyond my comprehension and they don't come cheap)

Wish me luck. I will report on my success on this blog. Ok. Time to go and do my salsacise now.

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