My kids make me smile many times a day.
Yesterday, there was thunderstorm in the evening again. The wind bellowed, the thunder roared and there was lightning lighting up the skies. Whenever that happens, the power switches in my home often trip causing everything to go dark and frighten the kids. To ease their fears, I would take them to the window to watch the rain together. We marvelled at how strong the wind blew. I informed my girl that lighting comes first before thunder and that she could see lightning and hear thunder. So when we saw the lightning, I taught them to cover their ears in anticipation of the loud thunder that follows. Baby loves it thinking its a funny game and it allays their fears. They love to watch the rain. This is something I learned from Mr MG. He loves rain.
After a while my girl said "Aiyah.... who make wan?... How come the lectrikcity (electricity) always spoil wan?" (we get quite frequent power failure around here). Then she looked at the aircon unit, turned to me and said "Mummy, maybe the aircon is tired. The aircon blow, blow, blow." and she puckered up her lips into a small "O" and blew hard a few times to demonstrate to me how hard the aircon was working! Hahaha. Funny Girl.
And that reminds me of another funny conversation we had at bedtime.
My Girl: Mummy can you tell me the story about Dora and the Living Room?
MG: Oh, you mean the game we were playing this morning. Sorry sweetie, when we started on the game, Auntie and Kong Kong came, so I don't know what the game is all about. Can you tell mummy? (Hehe. Perfect opportunity for her to learn to describe the things she sees)
My Girl: Mummy, Dora go to the living room, then I press, press, press, but I don't know how to press the musical instuments (instruments)... I think its not easy. So I ask Dora to go back to the other room. Got magic. Got grapes and apples and Dora say must press the same thing.
MG: Oh you mean its a matching game...
My Girl: Then I press press the purple box and inside got a baby blanket. (Then she smiles sheepishly for a while, I think becos she couldn't describe further.) Mummy, tomorrow I show you lah!
MG: Ok, goodnight.
With so many smiles I get a day, how to get the blues?