Eye Level Malaysia

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ring! Ring!

Mr MG often calls My Girl while driving back from work and she's getting more and more chatty these days. So for a change, recently, I decided to have her call him instead. Here's what happened:

MG: Come, come, girl, let me write down daddy's telephone number so you can call him.

My Girl: Why write down, not write up?

MG: ----------- (Speechless, no answer and busy writing) Writes the number down wrongly twice and had to cancel it.

My Girl: Mummy why you scratch scratch the paper like that?

MG: Oh, sorry, I wrote the number wrongly so I'm cancelling it.

Later after dialing the number herself, I could see her face light up in a big smile when she heard her daddy answering ....

My Girl: Daddy? How come I didn't hear you calling?

MG: Hahaha. Thats because you called him, sweetie.

My Girl: Daddy, mummy write the number wrongly. (Her daddy must have been rather confused to hear this. Hehe.)

And they proceeded to have a long conversation after that on I don't know what.

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