- "bue car" (blue car) - Referring to his favourite car which he must have each night before he sleeps. No other car will do.
- "Not nice" - Give him any other car other than his "bue car" will be met with this phrase "Not nice"
- "Bye dy" (bye daddy) - He can say "bye bye" and "daddy" quite clearly now but combined together it comes out as "bye dy"
- "No more" - this has been a long time favourite of his when he finishes a drink/his milk or when the credits roll at the end of a show. (Hey! As a matter of fact, he has said this before the paed visit but I forgot)
They sound, look, walk, talk and babble still, fall asleep etc in such an adorable manner at this age......ie the "lovely twos." (Why do people call it the "terrible twos")
For the record, baby had his afternoon nap for the first time yesterday without his breastfeed. Good! I hope he is on the way to self-weaning. I left him and my girl to play on their own for a while and when I went to check on them, he was fast asleep and my girl was piling pillows and trying to climb up the wall to look at whats on the top cupboard shelf (*rolls eyes*).