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Friday, April 14, 2006

Too Many Toys

I love to eat dumplings but Mr MG says we should eat them only once a year during the dumpling festival. "The special meaning of eating certain foods at certain times of the year during each festival is lost if you eat them daily." he says. And so we eat barbequed pork only during Chinese New Year, mooncake only during lantern festival etc.

Speaking of festivals, once my sister said to me "Buying clothes during Chinese New Year is no longer a thrill to the kids because they get new clothes all year round."

On that same principal, we went shopping for baby's birthday present and were at a loss as to what to buy. We have been indulging the kids with too many toys so much so that we found it difficult to get them something special for their birthdays! We find so much pleasure in buying toys for them, you see. We love to shop for the toys imagining the look of delight on their faces when they get it, thinking "Hmm. He/She will really like this!" We derive so much pleasure ourselves in seeing their happiness. Besides, they do learn from play. (So says a guilty mum!)

Ok. Time to chant a new mantra. "We shall not buy new toys. We shall not buy new toys."

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