- Someone...somewhere searched for "international kids song rhymes"
- Someone...somewhere searched for "memories of mum"
- Someone...somewhere searched for "taiwanese family hierachy" (Huh?)
- Someone...somewhere searched for "breastfeeding wars" (Huh again?)
- Someone...somewhere searched for "five languages of love articles"
- Other searches that found its way to me include "I'm in shape round is a shape", "confinement lady in malaysia" (anyone interested in my confinement services. Its cheap! Haha.), "barney vcd", "mamak stall roti canai", "sahm housewife", "how to bring down a high fever", "if you" (huh?)
"Mumsgather" came out first place in the first 3 searches. Muahahahaha. (Cheap thrill)
My own quick search:
- Yahoo Search for "mumsgather" resulted in 14000 mentions
- Googled "mumsgather" and found 13800 results
Muahahahahaha. (Cheap thrill!) When I first started my website, a google search merely found 5 results. Now its 13800! Ok ok, its a small number compared to the big time bloggers but still a thrill nonetheless.
*Drumroll* Applause please! Thank you! Thank you!
Ok. Thats my 5 minutes of fame. Now back to reality and back to work! See ya! (*Sighs* Blogging is so much fun. Hehehe.)