During the August 31st public holiday, as on any public holiday, it was packed at the malls.
While queueing up behind a man at a fastfood joint, I was not very surprised when his wife suddenly dashed from another queue to join him when it was his turn to order. As if that was not bad enough, they then called their 3 kids over and took about 20 minutes deciding what to order. Hrrrmmph...kiasu M'sians.
While queueing up to pay my car park ticket, I was behind a little girl of about 4. Her mum was standing in the next booth which looked like it was about to be opened, and when it did, she pulled her little girl almost roughly to her side leaving the little girl confused "Why mummy?" I didn't hear her reply but her expression for her little girl wasn't very nice. Hrrrmmmppph.... another kiasu M'sian.
Unrelated to queueing incident but while we're being "8 lady"/"patt poh"(busybody).... might as well continue....
At the park, a mum was forcing her little girl to walk up and down the see saw when it was quite obvious that the little girl was reluctant to do so. She was crying "I'm scared." Her mum ignored her cries and proceeded to make her pose for several photos with her elder sister even though she looked rather unhappy and uncomfortable. When their dad turned up, mum proudly proclaimed "I'm teaching her balancing skills." Hrrrmmmpphh.... Dunno what to say to that. "Balancing skills oso must teach one meh?" Another lesson here? Don't make kids pose for photos. Spontaneous, candid snapshots are much better.
Another lady came to the park with husband, two kids, a maid and an elderly lady. It was a Sunday morning and she was dressed up to the nines with heavy make-up and refused to sit down anywhere on the park chairs complaining all the while. Hmm... why even bother coming to the park in the first place?
MG is kaypoh today but these scenes reminds me to be extra careful about my own behaviour because as a parent we are teaching our kids by example all the time. Sometimes when we're tired or rushed, we forget. Psssttt.. I must look very much like the kiasu M'sian too when asking a very reluctant hubby to queue at another line at the supermarket so that we would be faster as it was late and the kids were fretty. (*Hangs head in shame*) So..... think twice before you throw your tissue out your moving car or in the drain. Your kids are watching you all the time. (And so are other busybody bloggers. Hehehe.)
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