The boy has "Ting Seah" (听写) or Chinese Spelling (Chinese Character Writing) on Tuesdays. He has Ejaan on Thursdays and Spelling on Fridays. He is 6. He is attending a kindy and learning Mandarin for 30 minutes each day at the kindy.
The girl has Spelling on Wednesdays, Ejaan on Fridays, "Ting Seah" (听写) on any day of the week every week as well as "XiaoKao" (小 考) once or twice a week every week. (Minor Test on knowledge on radicals, synonyms, antonyms, homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings), words that look alike but are actually very different in meaning, words with multitone and more than one meaning. Chinese character study is rather complicated. She is 8. She is studying in Standard 2 in a Chinese School.
They both have this to study for in addition to their daily homework.
Mummy has..... a headache! She is 44. She is a SAHM.
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