Whether your child is studying in SK, SJKC or SJKT, their school bags are heavy. As parents, we often try to lessen the burden by asking the children to leave some non-essential text books behind in school if possible either in their desks or in lockers if the school has them. However, sometimes kids forget to bring their textbooks home. Sometimes a friend takes their books home mistakenly. So what do you do when your child says
"Ma, I have Math homework today but I forgot to bring my Math textbook home/I can't find my Math textbook."
Some parents try to overcome this by buying their own textbooks. Currently textbooks are on loan for all Malaysian kids. However, some parents buy their own as spare or to split up the textbooks into little "modules" to lighten the bag load. Even then, spare textbooks can get misplaced too sometimes.
Here is another alternative besides spare textbooks and rushing out to buy a textbook, going to school to search frantically or borrowing from a friend. They are Online Malaysian Textbooks For SK, SJKC or SJKT. Yes, we do have online textbooks available for Malaysian parents. Not every textbook is available and there are some which are incomplete. However, you can still find quite a number of textbooks available online for your use. You will also find these online useful for taking a sneak peek at the next standard or level of books.
One of the sources of online textbooks is
FrogAsia, a virtual learning environment provided for schools. You can access FrogAsia via your 1BestariNet ID. 1BestariNet is a nationwide project carried out by the Malaysian Ministry of Education and YTL. Under this project, every parent, student and teacher has been provided with an ID that enables access to a variety of online learning tools.
Here is how you can access the online textbooks. Most schools would have instructed the students to create an id or to inform parents to create one but if you haven't done so yet, here's what you need to do.
Before you proceed, for parents with kids in Standard one, your child's school may give you the id and password to access. You can do the steps below if you lose that id and password given to you. However, the school has to set it up first before you can do that.
Step 1. Go to this
link. You will be greeted with the page you see below
Step 2. Follow the steps on the right side bar. Do not click "Hop In". Do the Steps 1,2 and 3 first. Click on the Pink, Green and Orange buttons in that order.
Step 3. Retrieve your id. (Pink Button) You may be required to key in your name and I/C number to retrieve your id. (If it says id not found, then you may have to wait for your child's school to key in your child's info to the system first before you get access. You may get a id and password from the school, in which case you can just use the id and password assigned to you and follow the instructions given by your child's school).
Step 4. Retrieve password. (Green Button) You may be required to key in your mobile phone number to retrieve your password. Click "Send Password" and your password will be sent to your mobile phone. (You can change the password later but try to remember it)
Step 5. Activate your id. (Orange Button) You will need to key in your id and password which you received earlier via your mobile to verify your account.
Step 6. Finally, you may now click on "Hop In". You will need to key in your id and password each time you "Hop In" so remember it.
Step 7. When you are in, you can see the names of your children on the left bar. You will also see links to your children's school on the left side bar. If your children's school is active in using the site, you will be able to see more activity here. Otherwise, nothing much to see. Let's move on to retrieve those online textbooks
Step 8. Once you "Hop In", Click on "Frog Store" on the left side bar. You will be greeted with the following page. Then, click on "Books" at the top left hand side.
Step 9. You will be greeted with the page below. Do a search by clicking on the drop down menu's (circled in red). Select your level, subject and whether you want free or paid. (Malaysian online textbooks are provided free). Then click "Go". You can also do a search for specific books by typing in the search box at the top right corner of the page.
Step 10. Example: I did a search by clicking on Level "Tahun Satu" and "Go", leaving the other choices blank. This is what I see. Click on "Add" to add the book you want to your library. Now you can access the online textbooks from your library.
Note: Once you have added the online textbook to your library, you can access it from the "My Library" icon whenever you "Hop In" to FrogAsia. The book icon that represents "My Library" is located at the top right hand corner of the page as shown below.
After completing the initial steps above, the next time you want to access your online textbook, just do the following steps.
- Click "Hop In"
- Key in your id and password
- Click on "Frog Store"
- Go to "My Library" to access your online textbooks (as shown below)
Finally, this is what you see when you access the books. The example below comes from a book called Glosari Matematik Sekolah Rendah. Good for SK students. You can search for this book by typing in the search box on the top right hand corner of the page.

Besides books, you can also access, images, videos, and audio etc. I hope this guide helps you. I was very confused the first time I used the site as there are too many links to click and I didn't know where to navigate.
Here is another online resource for online textbooks for SK and SJKC. I have not seen SJKT textbooks in this link. This is an online drive that was created and shared on social media. Unfortunately, I do not know who the creator is so I can give credit. This link is much easier to access compared to the FrogAsia one above. Just one click here to access the
Malaysian Online Textbooks.
You may find the resources above useful when your child needs to refer to his/her textbook for homework but the textbook is missing. Do note that you will have to replace missing textbooks at the end of the school year when the school collects the books on loan for next year's students.
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