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Monday, September 11, 2017

All You Need To Know About Psychometric Tests (Part 2)

Guest Post: This post was written by Joanne Lee, a mother of two in response to questions asked by members of our Facebook Group, The Malaysia Primary School Parents on Facebook. Come join us for more modern-day parenting discussions. 

This is Part 2 of the three part article on this topic.

Read Part 1 here.

What You Need To Know About Secondary School Psychometric tests (6 tests)

In secondary school, psychometric tests are carried out in Form 1, 3, 4 and 5. These tests are more detailed.

Form 1: Inventori Minat Kerjaya (IMK) & Inventori Tret Personaliti (ITP)
Form 3: Inventori Minat Kerjaya (IMK) & Inventori Kecerdasan Pelbagai (IKP)
Form 4: Inventori Tret Personaliti (ITP)
Form 5: Inventori Minat Kerjaya (IMK)

Here’s a better way to look at all these tests.

Image Source

Inventori Kecerdasan Pelbagai (IKP)

By Form 3, students will get a more thorough aptitude test known as Multiple Intelligence Inventory (Inventori Kecerdasan Pelbagai). Think of this as a sorting hat (yes like in Harry Potter) that will put a student into one of these 9 categories.

This is part of a larger infographic, which you can check out in detail here.

The name Howard Gardner which you see in the image above is a Harvard professor who came up with the Theory of Multiple Intelligence.

Basically, the gist of the theory is that there is more than one way to define a person’s intellect. You might not do well in an IQ test, but that doesn’t mean you are not intelligent in another aspect. In fact you may do particularly well in 1 of these 9 constructs.

Format for Inventori Kecerdasan Pelbagai (IKP)

Of the 9 constructs of intelligence, verbal-linguistics, math-logic and visual-spatial are tested in Paper 1. The questions are in multiple choice.

In Paper 2, the other categories are tested, together with 10 visual-spatial questions.

Understanding the results from IKP

From this guide on administering and implementing psychometric tests for Form 3, the following scoring table summarizes how the scores are analyzed.

(Source pp 17-19)

Personality Tests

Beginning from Form 1, the ITP and IMK tests are administered.

Inventori Tret Personaliti

ITP tests allow teachers to identify and understand the personality of students and to decide the best way to “intervene” during the teaching and learning process. These tests also help the students identify their own potential as well as a possible career path that is suitable for their personality.

Format for Inventori Tret Personaliti (ITP)

The ITP tests for 15 constructs with 10 items for each construct. The total questions to answer is 150 questions. The time given is only 30 minutes so students are answering 5 questions per minute. Check this link out to get an idea of the type of question. 


Understanding the results from ITP
If you want to know what the scores represent, check out Slides 19 to 33 of this powerpoint.

Inventori Minat Kerjaya (IMK)

The IMK tests is based on another theory by another professor, John L. Holland. This theory links vocation (career) choices to personalities. What you choose as your career is an expression of your personality. There are 6 themes in the Holland codes, which are:

Format for Inventori Minat Kerjaya (IMK)

The IMK tests for 6 constructs with 30 items for each construct. The total questions to answer is 180 questions. The time given 30 to 40 minutes.

Understanding the results from IMK

Based on their answers, students are then sorted into the following career interests.

Screen Shot 2017-09-06 at 5.40.22 PM.jpg

Source: Pg 31-33

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