When is the Chinese New Year school holidays 2018 is a frequently asked question by parents with school going kids, not only by parents who are celebrating the Chinese New Year but by everyone so they can plan their off days, take time off from work or arrange day care, balik kampung etc.
A couple of years ago, Malaysian schools started having a new set of holidays called "Cuti Perayaan" (Festive Holidays) in addition to the "Cuti Sekolah" (School Holidays). You can read our earlier post on Cuti Perayaan 2018 for the full set of Festive Holidays in 2018.
This post focus on the Cuti Perayaan Tahun Baru Cina 2018 or Chinese New Year Festive Holidays 2018.
This time both Kumpulan A and Kumpulan B schools have holidays on the exact same dates for Chinese New Year.
Chinese New Year Festive School Holidays 2018 is from 15 Feb 2018 (Thursday) to 19 Feb 2018 (Monday). Chinese New Year 1st and Second Day falls on 16 - 17 February 2018 (Friday and Saturday)
This means kids go back to school on Tuesday 20 February 2018 or 5th Day of Chinese New Year.
Some schools can and may apply to the ministry for an additional off day but this is school specific so you have to check with your child for the announcement from their school on the Chinese New Year School Holidays 2018.
Have you bought your air tickets and booked your accommodation for Chinese New Year? It's only about 1 1/2 months away.