Wednesday, March 27, 2019
PT3 2019 Project Dates for Sejarah, Geografi, RBT and ASK
PT3 2019 candidates are required to do some practical projects as part of their PT3 2019 assessments.
The breakdown of the marks and dates are as follows:
20% Project
80% Written Examinations
Dates: May - June
20% Project
80% Written Examinations
Dates: June - July
RBT or Rekabentuk dan Teknologi
30% Project
70% Written Examinations
Dates: March - August
ASK or Asas Sains Komputer
30% Project
70% Written Examinations
Dates: March - August
You can download the project guidelines for all of the subjects above here. Some of the guides are 30-40 pages long.
The written examination format for PT3 2019 for all subjects including Sejarah, Geografi, RBT, ASK, BM, BI, BC, Mathematics, Science etc can be found here.
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