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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Chinese Character Worksheet Generator

While I was researching the translation from Chinese to pinyin and with English meaning for yesterday's post, I came across a very useful and interesting site which I would like to share.

This site called Purple Culture has lots of interesting Chinese tools including the Chinese character to Pinyin converter which I was searching for.

It also has a Chinese Character Worksheet Generator. Now, there are many sites out there which provide this Chinese Character worksheet tool, I rather like this one because it does not require any registration, is free and is in English.

Here's how to use this Chinese Character Worksheet Generator. First navigate to the site Purple Culture and click on the Chinese Tools tab. You will see a page like the following one which shows you all the tools available on the site. Do browse through them if you have the time. They are all interesting and useful. However in this post, I will  be talking about the Practice Sheet Generator. Click on that link as shown in the red arrow in the screen shot below.

Your next steps are as follows (Please refer to the screenshot below with the corresponding numbers).

  1. Type your Chinese character in the box provided. If you are not sure how to type in Chinese, you can read my previous post here on how to add the Chinese keyboard on your computer to input Chinese characters or you can copy and paste a Chinese character you come across online.
  2. Select "stroke order". This is useful so that an example of the stroke order for the Chinese character will be shown on the worksheet. (Updated: Stroke order is no longer a free feature so leave it out if you don't have a paid account)
  3. Under "No. of traceable characters" select "3" or more if you like. This will print out grey scale characters for you to trace before attempting to write on  your own. 
  4. The default font is "Kai Ti". That looks good so leave that alone. Finally, click on the "Generate" button.
I input the following characters which means "I love you" and here is a sample of my Chinese Character Worksheet generated in pdf for me to print out and use.  As you can see, it has the stroke order at the top of each character and 3 grey characters for me to practice by tracing before attempting to write on my own.

Cool right? This is very useful for Chinese Mandarin learners as well as parents coaching their kids in Chinese.

I also like the "Vocabulary List Generator" in the Chinese tools link. It allows you to generate a list of chosen vocab (which you can type in or copy and paste in). The list gives you the vocab in Chinese, pinyin and with English translation.

Super love this site!

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