Eye Level Malaysia

Monday, November 26, 2018

Christmas Gift Box For Kids Who Love Arts and Science

Do you have kids who enjoy making things, exploring and experimenting? Most kids do and the good news for parents is, home practical experiments are not only fun, they have educational value. They also make great gifts!

You can shop for experiment ingredients if you have the time to search for them but what if it is all nicely packaged in a box addressed to your child together with materials for the activity, an instruction and trivia booklet along with a gift card, greeting cards and some discount vouchers and delivered to your home? Wouldn't that be a nice surprise?

Atom & the Dot, a pioneer in art and science subscription boxes for kids in Malaysia has done just that. Their monthly activity boxes are curated to inspire curiosity in kids and encourage discovery through hands-on activities.

You can try out a box for one month at RM 100 (or RM 68 from 3-31 Dec 2018)

Subscribers get a surprise box each month with materials and instructions for experiments, activities or games. Subscription rates are as follows:

  • 3 months: RM 250 (~RM 83/ box)
  • 6 months: RM 450 (~RM 75/ box)
  • 12 months: RM 720 (~RM 60/ box)

You can also try an individual box from their Try-me collection before subscribing. These are boxes from earlier months. You can purchase these boxes at RM100 (or RM68 from 3-31 Dec 2018).

Christmas Gifts for Curious Kids

Christmas gift for the kid who likes gardening.

Alternatively, try out one of these Christmas boxes. Christmas boxes are mini boxes with one activity. They make excellent Christmas gifts for curious kids. There are 6 different themes for little gardeners, astronomers, chemists and even paleontologist (scientist who studies fossils) wannabe including

  1. Chain Reaction
  2. Dinosaur Fossil
  3. Periodic Table
  4. Robot Tester
  5. Self -watering Plant
  6. Solar System
Priced at RM45 per box, you can get these mini Christmas surprise boxes for RM35 if you pre-order  before 2 December 2018.

Gift Boxes come with materials and instructions for experiments, activities or games like this Solar board game

Coming Soon in December...

December’s surprise box is a special Christmas edition “Toymaker’s Toolbox”. Kids get to play Santa’s elf with materials and instructions to make 6 mini toys. Like Atom & the Dot on Facebook to receive more details on this upcoming offer.

Redeem a box at RM0.99!

Here is a chance for you to try out a box (the Robot Tester box) at just RM0.99!

All you need to do is refer 3 friends to Atom & the Dot. Limited to first 50 customers. You need to purchase your Robot Tester box by 2 December 2018. Shipping fees apply. Refer friends here.

Besides Christmas gifts, subscription boxes are great as birthday gifts too. Parent and child can have a nice surprise each month with a new hands-on activity to explore together.

This post was brought to you by Atom & the Dot.

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