Eye Level Malaysia

Friday, September 29, 2006

Car Troubles

This happened about 2 weeks ago.

Saturday – All dressed up with somewhere to go……. and then……. the car broke down. The clutch just stopped working. Luckily we were still able to drive (all the way at first gear) to the workshop to have it looked at. A few hours and a few hundred dollars poorer, we had our car back together again with a new lower clutch pump and some other minor servicing. What a way to start the morning.

Sunday – Was being driven by dad (who had been given the green light by his doctor to drive after his recovery from stroke) We were driving along a main road, minding our own business, when this idiot, reckless driver suddenly turned into the main road we were on at great speed, swerving into our lane as he did so. He hit our car and then the coward driver drove off still at great speed. He did not even bother to slow down or stop to see if he had done any damage or hurt.

It turned red at the traffic lights for us and the idiot got away. I didn’t even manage to see his car number or make. Dad got a bit of a scare and so did I and later when we were able to stop, we discovered that the driver’s side of the door could not be opened after the accident. My dad may be old and his reflexes a bit slower but even if that were not the case, anyone else who had been driving at the time would have been caught unawares and hit by the idiot. (He came so fast into our lane, there was no time to react and he drove off just as quickly as though nothing happened after he hit us!) In fact, if the idiot had hit another car which was speeding just as he was, his car would have overturned from the impact. He was lucky we were not driving fast.

*&^%$^*&%&**##!! Dunno what type of person drives like that and then behaves like a coward and runs away. May his car suffer broken lights and other trouble from the impact so that he has to pay for driving like a madman. Poor dad was a bit shaken after that, got distracted and missed a turn to go home. Sis will have his car checked up. Hopefully, it won’t cause too much. Sigh! (Eventually the car workshop which dad usually goes to did not charge him for knocking the car door back into shape, thankfully.)

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