Eye Level Malaysia

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Home haircuts. (Girl's hair is easier to cut than boy's hair)

I give both the kids home haircuts to save time and money. I've seen some hair salons charging RM20 plus for a child's haircut. *Faints* My home haircuts don't look professional but they do save a lot of time and hassle. No need to arrange for a time to dress them up and take them out. Time is precious and something we don't have a lot of.

I find that girl's hair is much easier to cut. Just trim the back in a straight line then trim the bangs or fringe. My sister taught me to trim the fringe layer by layer by cutting it vertically. It makes it look less severe ie lighter and nicer than just cutting it straight across.

My girl has always been good during haircuts since she was young. When she was small, I would sit her in the highchair and place the highchair in front of the bathroom mirror so she could watch the process. I give her combs and clips to play with and she seems happy with that and would sit still for her haircut.

Now that she is older, she still enjoys her haircuts. She likes the newspaper "clothing" I cutout for her to wear to protect her clothes during the haircut. She finds it amusing, I think, giggling and calling out to baby to look at her. And everytime her fringe gets long and starts disturbing her eyes she would tell me "Mummy, my hair long already, please cut hair for me."

Boy's hair on the other hand is much harder to cut and style. I have to make sure its really short so that my poor boy doesn't get mistaken for a girl, which he often does. I have to make sure that the areas around the ears are trimmed neatly and that the hair at the front doesn't hang down and look like a girl's fringe.

In addition, my boy doesn't sit still like my girl. Placing him in the high chair in front of the mirror does not do the trick. He would turn his head this way and that and he hates it when the hair falls onto his neck and would cry.

So haircuts for him is always done during his shower instead. I give him some toy cups and other bath toys to occupy him and let him play with the soap and soapbox while I try to still some snips in between. Hair that drops on his neck is quickly washed away with the shower before he complains. He doesn't mind a haircut when done in this fashion. I have no one to help me distract him so the bath toys and allowing him to play with water do the trick very nicely.

His sideburns and back are trimmed using a shaver to make it neater. I have to be very, very careful not to nick his ear or neck with the shaver. Have to be very careful with the scissors too. Once, I found a small wound and some blood on his scalp and I didn't even know how that happened. He didn't cry out at all during the haircut too busy playing with his toys, I suppose. Scarry! My SIL shared with me that once she accidentally snipped her son's ear with the scissors drawing blood during a home haircut. OMG! Have to be very careful indeed!

As soon as I finish his haircut, I shower him immediately and all is done. I love to look at the kids after their baths. They look so innocent and clean and loveable. Mmmm Geram! Speaking of geram, my boy loves to pinch people's cheeks in a geram manner the way adults do to little ones. Its very funny to be the recipient of such a pinch from a little one instead.

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