Eye Level Malaysia

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Deepavali

I remember when I was young and life was simpler.........

During the festive season, I used to cycle with a group of friends to visit their open houses, whether it was Hari Raya, Deepavali or Chinese New Year. In school my friends were varied. I had many friends from other races. And during those days, it was safe to cycle around without adult supervision. We were about 9 or 10 years old then.

It was super duper fun to cycle together from house to house trying out cookies (during Chinese New Year), maruku and very sweet candies (during Deepavali) and my favourite, lemang, ketupat, serunding, rendang and satay sauce (during Hari Raya). Yummy!

When I was working, I still had some muslim and hindu friends whom I could visit. Sadly, now that I am a SAHM my muslim and hindu friends have dwindled down to just a handful. Luckily for my blog, I'm happy to have many muslim and hindu friends again.

So I'm going to take this opportunity to wish them all Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Deepavali or would that be Happy Deeparaya or Selamat Harivali? (Hehe. In Malaysia its common to get hybrid greetings like that!)

Selamat Hari Raya to Ely, Kak Teh, Mama22Beas, Linda Munshi, Along, Hazel, Mamafiza, Tee, Jujuqtpie.

Happy Deepavali to Geetha, Shamira, a&a's mom. (Forgive me if you celebrate Christmas instead but Happy Holidays anyway.)

And Happy Holidays to everyone else! So.... whats everyone doing for the long holidays?

Hope I didn't leave anyone out.

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