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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Keputusan Permohonan Penempatan Kanak-Kanak Ke Tahun Satu Sesi Persekolahan Tahun 2009 Di Sekolah Rendah

Parents whose children are entering Primary School for the first time next year may have received the letter from The Ministry informing them of the school that their child have been placed. I received mine today.

When I registered around last year ie when my girl was 5 years old, I selected 3 school choices. Well, I got none of them. Instead she's been placed at a different school (not among our 3 choices) that is further away from our home. Sigh. I don't even know where it is or how it looks like since it wasn't among my choice in the first place and I do not wish for her to be in that school for various private reasons. (I visited more than half a dozen schools before making my decision).

Parents have one month from 25th July to 25th August 2008 to confirm the school of their choice or make an appeal.

Since I'm still ding dong ding dong between Chinese and National Schools, I now have just one more month to make my decision.

If your child is entering Standard One next year, did you get a school of your choice?

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