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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nilai Murni for Bahasa Malaysia paper UPSR format

My girl is in Std 4 studying in SJKC. She will be sitting for her UPSR in Std 6. In school, they start to prepare them for the UPSR format of answering questions starting from Std 3. Perhaps that is why some parents say after the honeymoon years of Std 1 and Std 2, there is a big jump in difficulty in the lessons.

Anyway, this post focuses on the Bahasa Malaysia Paper or more specifically Part C of the Bahasa Malaysia Penulisan, Writing Paper or Paper 2 for BM which is the Nilai Murni or Pendidikan Moral part. The Penulisan Paper is divided into 3 Parts, Parts A, B and C. Briefly, Part A has 10 marks. The student must build 5 sentences (Bina Ayat) from one picture or a series of pictures. Estimated time to answer this part is 15 minutes.

Part B is the Essay Writing or Karangan part which is given 30 marks in total. The student must write an essay of not less than 60 words and is given 3 Essay choices to choose from. Estimated time 40 minutes.

Finally, Part C which is the focus of this post is 20 marks. Students must write out in not more than 40 words, usually 4 (or more) Nilai Murni or Moral Values based on a given excerpt or Petikan. Estimated time 20 minutes.

Here is a good book for Practise on Nilai Murni writing. The publisher is Hup Lick Publishing (M) Sdn Bhd. This one that I have is for Standard 3. The title is Latihan Penulisan Pengenalan Bahagian C Kertas 2 Tahun 3. For Tahun 4,5 and 6, the word Pengenalan is removed. It is a good step-by-step guide towards understanding how to answer this part of the UPSR Paper 2 Part C.

Nilai Murni References:

1. Senarai Nilai Murni - This one lists the Nilai Murni bilingually in Malay and Chinese. A pity one can't download or print it unless you subscribe, pay, or upload something in return. You can view it online however. 
2. UPSR BM (Bahagian C) Nilai-Nilai Murni - This is a printable list. To print, just press the download button, save it onto your PC, then print it out. It is however fully in Malay only
3. There are references in Malay or Malay/Chinese but I have trouble finding a Malay/English reference. Since there are no lists bilingually in Malay and English, I created my own Nilai Murni List in Malay/English. Here it is. 

Nilai-Nilai Murni (Moral Values) for Bahagian C Penulisan Paper
  1. Menghargai Masa - Treasure or Value Time
  2. Rajin - Hardworking
  3. Menjaga Kesihatan - Take care of health/Health Conscious
  4. Menghormati ibu bapa - Respect parents
  5. Menjaga keselamatan - Take care of safety/Safety Conscious
  6. Menolong - Helpful
  7. Cepat Bertindak - Quick Thinking
  8. Bekerjasama - Co-operative
  9. Bersyukur - Gratitude
  10. Menghargai pertolongan - Thankful for Help
  11. Menepati Masa - Punctual
  12. Menjaga Kebersihan - Hygiene and Cleanliness
  13. Semangat cintakan negara/patriotisme - Patriotic
  14. Memberi tumpuan - Focussed
  15. Berhati-hati - Careful
  16. Memberikan penghargaan - To honour and respect
  17. Melakukan aktiviti and berfaedah - spend time doing useful activities
  18. Mematuhi peraturan/arahan - Obey rules and regulations
  19. Menjaga Kesihatan Diri - Personal Hygiene
  20. Menjaga Kebersihan Persekitaran - Care about the environment
  21. Menepati Janji - Keep one's promise
  22. Bersabar - Patience
  23. Berdikari - Independant
  24. Berhemah Tinggi - Good Manners
  25. Rajin Belajar - Hardworking in studies
  26. Mengenang Jasa - To remember what others have done for us
  27. Bertanggungjawab - Responsible
  28. Berusaha - Endevour to work hard
  29. Membalas Jasa - To repay what others have done for us
  30. Tekun - Diligent
  31. Rajin Membantu Ibu - Helpful towards mother
  32. Berkongsi - Sharing
  33. Menghargai pemberian - Value Gifts
  34. Baik Hati - Kind
  35. Berani - Brave or Courageous
  36. Ikhlas - Sincere
  37. Saksama - Reasonable
  38. Bergotong-royong - Co-operative and work together
  39. Bercita-cita tinggi - Ambitious
  40. Berdisiplin - Disciplined
  41. Bersemangat Tinggi - Keen and Eager, Enthusiastic
  42. Bijak Menggunakan Masa - Spend time wisely
  43. Semangat Bermasyarakat - Community Spirit
  44. Rasional - Rational
  45. Hormat - Respect
  46. Kasih Sayang - Affection
  47. Kejujuran - Honesty
  48. Keadilan - Justice
  49. Keserdehanaan - Moderation
  50. Kebersihan fizikal dan mental - Physical and Mental Health
  51. Bersopan-santun - Polite
  52. Berjimat - Prudent or thrifty
  53. Murah Hati - Generous
  54. Prihatin/Ambil Berat - Concern
  55. Peramah - Friendly

Hope this was useful for other English Speaking Families. My girl came up with part of the list. I'm off to print it out now for her. Feel free to print or share but remember to link back to me to this page. Thanks. Please note that I am just a parent, not an educator so do not rely on this for accuracy. It is just for simple reference to make explaining the Nilai Murni to english speaking children a little easier, that is all. I have tried to use the most basic English and as little words as possible in the English translation for the Nilai Murni to keep things simple. 

Another thing to note is my list also tends to be more simplified for those just learning the Nilai Murni rather than as a reference for those taking the actual UPSR Nilai Murni which may be harder.

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