Eye Level Malaysia

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Fun Printz Starting School Giveaway

"How do I label my child's shoes"

"Oh no, my kid lost their water tumbler AGAIN!"

"Where can I find cute personalize labels with cartoons and my child's name?"

This is the hot topic in our FB group right now and we hear you! That's why we're teaming up with Fun Printz to bring to you this Starting School Giveaway. 

What are we giving away? 

12 Lucky Winners from our FB group will win a set of Fun Printz Personalized School Labels 

Iron on labels set worth RM 68 each ( 85 or 45 pcs depending on the size you pick )  - 3 Winners

S labels set worth RM40 each ( 50 pcs )  3 Winners

M labels set worth RM40 each ( 36 Pcs)  3 Winners

Shoe labels set worth RM40 each ( 8 pairs )  3 Winners

Cool right? Go here to enter this giveaway contest. It's really easy. All you need to do is answer one simple question and fill in your details in the contest form. Winners are chosen randomly. T&C applies.

Join Contest here

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