Eye Level Malaysia

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

New Avatar

As of today, I've changed my Avatar to reflect baby's new walking status. I've also changed my description from "mother to a baby and toddler" to "mother to a boy and girl". Since baby has started walking and is 15 1/2 months old, I can hardly call him a baby now. (Time really flies!) He's a toddler now and what does that make toddler? At 3 years plus, she can hardly be considered a toddler now, a pre-schooler is probably a more correct description.

So, from now on, I shall just simply refer to them as "my girl" and "my boy" and Mr MG is of course "my man".

Just a short post today becos, I'm filled with negative emotions today namely:

  • Fear
  • Frustration
  • Stress
  • Anger
  • Unhappiness

... in that order. (*Big Sigh*) Don't even have the mood to blog and thats not like me. Normally, writing is therapeutic for me. But today.... I've even lost that desire. I'm playing with Avatars to cheer myself up but its not helping very much. (I created the Avatar from Otaku Avatar Maker). Think I'll go and feed and play with my two lovelies now so that I can turn my negative feelings into:

  • Love
  • Laughter
  • Sunshine
  • Happiness
  • Peace

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