Eye Level Malaysia

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

When Is Duan Wu Jie 2013 or Dragon Boat Festival 2013

Duan Wu Jie 2013
When is Duan Wu Jie 2013 also called Dragon Boat Festival 2013 or in Chinese 端午节 2013? Usually I don't remember such dates but the first indication I have that the Duanwu Festival is approaching is when I see the ingredients for making "zong" being sold at the supermarkets. Then I remember that the duanwu jie is approaching and it is time for me to get my annual fill of the zongzi.

You see, my typical Chinaman insists that we eat certain foods during certain times of the year only. So zong although sold all year round is to be consumed during the Dragon Boat Festival or Duan Wu Jie only. So this year 2013, I will get to eat Zong or in Hokkien, Bak Chang meaning Meat Dumplings on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 which is the 5th day of the 5th month (double 5th) of the Chinese Calendar.

Here is my reminder that Duan Wu Festival is just around the corner. No, no, these ingredients are not for me to make the zong. I took the picture from the shelves of a supermarket. Are you a zong lover like I am?

Duan Wu Jie 2013
Ingredients For Making Bak Chang or Zongzi

I can't wait to sink my teeth into a nonya chang AND a bak u chang especially after I saw this nonya chang picture by kopi soh.
Nonya Chang
Nonya Chang as illustrated by Kopi Soh

Duan Wu Jie or Dragon Boat Festival is on Wednesday, 12th June 2013.

Here is a little something for the kids. A YouTube video story of The Origin Of The Dragon Boat Festival, the story of Qu Yuan and Duanwu Festival.


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