I tagged myself.
I AM a blogger
I JUST NOW went blog hopping
I WANT my own domain but can't afford it
I HATE comment spam
I MISS not blogging when my PC/server is down/unavailable
I FEAR losing my entire blog
I HEAR that in the world of blogging "TMI" can be dangerous
I REGRET not starting a blog earlier
I AM NOT as talkative as I am on my blog
I SING when I blog sometimes
I CRY when I read sentimental blogs
I AM NOT ALWAYS ranting on my blog, preferring to focus on the positive
I MADE my own template through trial and error, copy and paste
I WRITE a post a day accept weekends
I CONFUSE myself when I leave too many comments
I NEED more comments
I SHOULD blog less
I START to blog my first post on Friday, Sept 17, 2004
I FINISH this meme and
I TAG anyone else out there who is a blogger!
I find this meme fun, so go ahead and do it if you find it fun too.
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