On Saturday night, thick skinned mommy told her daughter "Tomorrow is Mother's Day you know. Its a special day for all mothers to celebrate. Remember to wish mummy Happy Mother's Day ok?" (Hehehe. Cheapskate or not ths mommy? My daughter's lessons in life include lessons on how to appreciate people including her own mommy. Hehe. Excuses...excuses. Lame reason for telling her.)
And so, the next day.... "Happy Mother's Day mummy. I love you. I want to give you flowers mummy" (Hands me a bunch of coloured finger puppets held together to look like a bunch of flowers.)
And throughout the day, it was "Happy Mother's Day. Its mother's day, you cannot do that/daddy cannot do that/you must hold your flowers/are you holding your flowers mummy/why are you looking sad" Hahaha. She wished me a dozen and more times and hugged me and told me she loved me throughout the day while giving me her adorable bashful and pleased look. Lol!
And at the end of the day, when I told her that Mother's Day will be over the next day as it is for one day only, she asked innocently "Mummy, tomorrow Mother's Day is over, can I still hug you?"
We also spoke about Father's Day and we planned to make a card together for her daddy. "What present shall I give daddy?" she asks. I told her that she'll have to wait till she was older and have some money before she can buy presents. "But you have a brush" she says. All because that Mr MG told her that the carpet brush he bought when we went to the hardware store together was my Mother's Day present. (*rolls eyes*). In "retaliation", I told Mr MG that I shall brush the carpet for him on Father's Day since he likes to lie on the carpet on throw cushions to watch TV. Hehehe.
We didn't do anything special on Mother's Day but it was still a special day nevertheless.
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