Overheard the kiddoes conversation while they were playing with the pop-up tunnel and tent. Nowadays they can hold quite complicated and long conversations compared to previously.
My Girl: Baby lie down like this. Put your legs straight. Nice or not? Happy or not?
My Boy: Not nice. Not nice.
My Girl: Baby you knock your head ah?
My Boy: Outside. Outside.
My Girl: Why you want to go outside?
My Boy: *Singing* Baby mine dun u cryyy"
My Girl: Happy happy happy. (Her favourite phrase)
My Boy: Happy (Baby is fast catching on the phrase too)
My Girl: Baby do the Dumbo wheeeee here at the tent
My Boy: Wheeeee dom!
My Girl: Baby do wheeeee dom! again. Baby come we go this side. Come. Come. Move. I want to sit, I want to sit here. You cannot sit here ah? If you don't want, then go outside, you sweating. Baby nevermind lah, I open this thing then got air, fresh air.
My Boy: Bye bye. Bye bye.
My Girl: Ok. Go and find daddy.
My Boy: Daddy, daddy.
My Girl: Call daddy louder.
My Boy: Daddy, daddeeeeee!
My Girl: Call daddy. Can you call daddy from work? Call daddy.
My Boy: Daddy?
I just love to listen to them play. (when they're not fighting that is!)
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